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Where is the discomfort? (您)哪儿不舒服? What is the symptom? (您)有什么症状? Where are the pains? (您)哪儿痛? How long have you been ill? 您病了多久? Please tell me about your illness. 请把病情告诉我。 Where is the most painful part? 哪个地方最疼? Did the pain come slowly or come suddenly? 这种疼痛是慢慢开始的,还是突然发生的? Any other king of symptom? 还有其他症状吗? My neek is bothering me. 我颈部不舒服。 Sometimes my head is spinning (or I feel fainf). 我有时头晕 (我觉得晕)。 I often have a headache. 我经常头疼。 I often have backaches. 我经常背疼。 When I am holding something in my hand , I feel that there is no strength in my upper arm. 持物时我感到上臂无力。 My right hand feels numb , especially the fourth and fifth fingers. 我右手有麻木感,尤以第4及第5指明显。 Lately I have been feeling very tired and have no strength. 最近我感到疲乏无力。 Has the pain spread to anywhere else? 疼痛向别处放射吗? Is your illness connected to the change in the weather? 病情与天气变化有关吗? Does your pain get worse , when it is wet and cloudy? 阴雨天疼痛加重吗? What other sickness have you had before? 您过去得过什么病? What kind of treatment have you received in the past? 您以前做了些什么治疗? Please lie on the bed , so I can give you a check. 请躺在床上,我给您检查一下。 Please unbuckle your belt. 请把腰带解开。 Please bend your knees. 请屈膝。 Please relax and don`t be nervous. 请放松,别紧张。 Please lie sideways with your left side on top. 请侧卧,左侧在上。 Please take a deep breath. 请深呼一口气。 Please lift up your right leg. 请抬右腿。 Please turn over and face upwards. 请翻身,面朝上。 Please tell me if you feel I am too strong. 如果您觉得我手法太重,请告诉我。 Doctor , what kind of illness do I have? 医生,我得的是什么病? You have problems with your cervical vertebra. 您颈椎有问题。 You had better have an X-ray. 您最好拍张X光片。 You need a further check. 您需要进一步检查。 Your condition needs a much longer time to cure. 您的病需要较长一段时间治疗。 After the treatment , your illness will be cured. 您的病经过治疗会痊愈的。 You will have a much better result , by using massage treatment for your condition. 用按摩疗法治您的病效果很好。 Your illness is a bit more difficult to be cured. 您的病治愈有点困难。 I often have pains in my back (in the lumbar vert


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