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Pep四年级英语上册第三单元教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My friends 第一课时 教学目标: quiet等单词. 并能在实际情景 quiet等单词 . 并能在实际情景 能听懂、会说 my friend. He/She is .... He/She has.. 中运用。 学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。 教学重点: 词汇:frie nds, I on g/short hair, strong, thin , quiet 句型 my frie nd. He/She is .... He/She has .... 教学难点: 1 .发音:friends,thin,quiet 能熟练运用所学句型对朋友进行描述。 教具准备: 相应的单词卡 本课时的教学课件 教学过程: (一) Warm-up/Revision 热身/复习 Greet ing T: Good morning , every one. Tha nk you, sit dow n,please. Let's do. T: Ok. Everybody please sta nd up. Follow me, let's do together. (教师播放ppt,展示三年级已学过的let's do画面并放音乐,师生一起边说边 做动作) Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall. Short, short, short! Make yourself short. Big, big, big! Make your eyes big. Small, small, small! Make your eyes small. Lon g, l on g, l ong! Make your arms long. Short, short, short! Make your arms short. 设计意图:重现三年级时学的 do,用TPR的形式边说边做。让学生在说说、做 做中复习旧知,为新知的呈现打下基础。同时, TPR活动备受学生欢迎,强烈 地刺激着学生,激励着学生积极去说、去做,调动学生的思维和学习英语的积 极性,也营造了愉悦的英语学习氛围 (二) Presentation 呈现新知 1. Lead in T: boys and girls, all of you are my friends. Yes, you are my friends.( 引出 主题: my friends, 强调 ds 发音 /dz/) T :I have many friends. Look, who is she? Ss: Bai Ling. (教师利用 ppt 出示人物 Bai Ling 和句型 Who is she? ) T :Yes. Bai Ling is my friend. Who is your friend? ( 板书句型 my friend. 引导学生运用句型说出自己的朋友。对学生的回答进 行及时的鼓励和表扬。) 2. Teach the new word: long hair. T: Look! She has 2 big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth. And... she has long hair.( 教师做手捋长头发的动作,带读 long hair 并板书 ) T: look here. Follow me H H H /h/h/h/ air/e /together,/he/ long hair long hair she has long hair.( 出示词卡 long hair, 带读句子 she has long hair, 然后分小组 读,个别读,及时鼓励并纠正错误发音) Teach the new word: short hair. Teacher show the picture of Mike and ask:who is he? And leads to the sentence: He has short hair. Ask Ss to read: short hair, short hair. He has short hair. (用课件出示另一个人物: Mike 并呈现句型: who is he? 带读几遍 后出示词卡,带读句子后请个别学生读,小组读,全班读 . 回到板书,带读: Bailing is my friend. She has long hair. Mike is my friend. He has short hair.) Teach the new words: strong and thin. T invit


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