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暑假收获英语作文 The summer of 2021 is a lot busier than the previous one, but in the summer of 2021, all kinds of exciting movies were released. They look like theyre made up: in early July, kung fu panda 2 was released, and in late July the animated film, serr, was hit. In August, there was a lot of drama: transformers, harry potter, the Smurfs... All the theaters lined up. With so many beautiful movies, I couldnt help but see some movies. There was one movie that impressed me -- transformers! Transformers let me unforgettable reason first, because it let me understand a truth: not loyal and betrayer of their own country is no good end. It is the cause of let me understand this truth, the film tells the defeated autobots princes to regain their rights, and do not hesitate to betray their own race, and work together to defeat their own race. But in the end he was defeated by the new car chief. This is the fate of the betrayer. The reason why this movie was so memorable was that it was a good stunt. There is a picture of a building collapsing in the movie, and its made like real! The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the school day is on schedule, and the memories of the summer vacation are always coming up in my mind. I think that in the new semester, I should be happier and learn more! Of course, in the new semester, I dont cheat on learning because I know that the traitors of study dont come to a good end In the morning, the crisp bell woke me up from my sleep, and I went to the east lake park with my mother to do morning exercises. East lake park on the morning of the faction vibrant, all bathed in morning breeze, jammed some children chasing birds on the lawn, the robust adults have legs to run, where there are doddering in tai chi, appear very carefree and relaxed. Under the beautiful music, many people who love dancing are dancing with music. A mix of flowers in the morning breeze caresses my face


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