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喷泉最早发源于公元前六世纪古巴比伦空中花园。在古希腊时期喷泉已经由饮用水的泉逐渐发展成装饰性喷泉。直到十八世纪,西方式喷泉传入中国,1747年清朝乾隆帝在圆明园西洋楼建设三大喷泉:“ 谐奇趣”、“ 海晏堂”、“ 大水法”。随着现代化大都市的发展,中国依次在北京的双秀园和天坛公园等和都市广场中建造了,时控喷泉,彩色声控喷泉,可移动式喷泉还有微电脑控制音乐喷泉。
关键词 PLC 喷泉设计 控制系统
Since the 21st century, the world economy and science and technology have flourished and developed. In urban landscape planning, people pay more and more attention to the application of fountains. Now the equipment of urban fountains is very advanced. Fountains can be large or small according to different demands, and the number of sprinklers can be small or large. Range can be high or low, big as beads, small as silk, the content is changeable, attractive.
Fountain is water as a carrier, through the spray angle, the change of water pressure to form a different landscape. At night, with the help of light, water has a soul.
The fountain originated from the Hanging Garden of Babylon in the 6th century BC. In ancient Greece, fountains had gradually developed from drinking water fountains to decorative fountains. Until the eighteenth century, Western fountains were introduced into China. In 1747, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty built three fountains in the Western Building of Yuanmingyuan: Harmony and Funny, Haiyan Hall and Dashui Law. With the development of modern metropolis, China has successively built time-controlled fountains, color-controlled fountains, portable fountains and music fountains controlled by microcomputers in Shuangxiu Garden and Tiantan Park in Beijing.
PLC is an industrial automation control device based on unprocessor. PLC simulates the industrial mode of early relay, which has the characteristics of small size, full function, simple desig
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