
水处理工程 吸附.ppt

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* Pore size distribution: 微孔: 1 nm (95%以上) 中孔: 1 nm to 25 nm 大孔: 25 nm 粒径大小: 粉末活性炭(PAC),小于0.07 mm 颗粒活性炭(GAC),大于0.1 mm 活性炭孔隙分布 * Pore size % pore volume % surface area Micro 30 - 60 95 Meso 10 5 Macro 25 - 30 negligible * 活性炭表面官能团 * Most of the surface area is in pores of molecular sized dimensions. This results in slower mass transfer during the adsorption process but also results in greater binding capacity of the adsorbate. Adsorption behavior is related in part to the nature of the functional groups on the carbon surface. In general carbon manufactured at: 500 oC is weakly acidic 500 oC is weakly basic Spent AC can be regenerated at high temperatures (roughly a maximum of fifteen times). * 吸附过程 外扩散 内扩散 吸附反应 * 颗粒活性炭吸附柱 * 吸附柱传质区(MTZ) MTZ=f(水力负荷、活性炭特性) 穿透点 耗竭点 产水量 * * * 活性炭接触器类型 * Carbon Regeneration(再生) Since activated carbon is relatively expensive, adsorption would not be feasible unless the carbon can be regenerated after exhaustion. Spent carbon is usually regenerated at 500 oC under low oxygen conditions in the presence of steam. Activated carbon loss is about 5-15% for each regeneration. Adsorbed organics are volatilized and oxidized during the regeneration process. A regeneration scheme is shown below. * * 颗粒活性炭设计参数 《废水处理工程与回用》P833-835 能计算活性炭的需要量和炭床的寿命 * * 活性炭负载铁去除砷 砷 致癌性 饮用水标准 10 μg/L * 活性炭用于受污染沉积物修复 * 生物组织含量 水相含量 结论: 降低水相浓度 降低生物相PCBs浓度 * 作业 废水中有机物浓度为20 mg/L,用粉末活性炭进行吸附试验,吸附迅速达到平衡,数据用Langmuir公式处理后得出吸附常数K为0.13 L/mg,最大饱和吸附容量Qmax为0.345 mg/mg。按CSTR(连续搅拌反应器)处理考虑,池子容积为6000 L,流量为100 L/s,出水有机物浓度要求不高于1 mg/L。体系稳定后,计算活性炭的补充流量?若按两级逆流吸附,则补充活性炭又为多少?见附图。 * * 常规污水厂难以去除痕量有机有毒物质 污水厂下游 在污水厂下游1km仍能检测到抗药基因 * * * * * * 污水二级出水深度处理 《水处理工程》 吸附 (Adsorption) * 几个概念 吸附:Adsorption is the process in which matter is extracted from one phase and concentrated at the surface of a second phase. 吸附剂(adsorbent ):固体颗粒 吸附质(adsorbate ):被去除物(污染物) * 问题 谈谈吸附(Adsorption)与吸收(Absorption)区别——Sorption Adsorption is the attraction between the outer surface of a solid particle and a


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