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关于做家务的英语情景口语对话 英语成绩总是上不去?小编今天给大家整理了有关英语口语的情景对话,想要提升英语成绩的话我们要好好学习英语哦,英语在我们生活中是很重要的哦,所以大家赶紧行动起来吧 一我来取干洗和送来熨烫的衣物 AHi, I come to pick up my laundry. This is the invoice. 你好,我来取我的衣服,这是发票。 BHere you are. We've ironed them for you already. Please check and see if there is any damage. 这些是您的。我们已经熨烫过了。请检查一下看是否有损坏。 AI'm afraid that a button is missing. 恐怕这里掉了颗扣子。 BI'm terribly sorry. You know we are so busy today and we forget to sew the button back on. Please wait a moment. It will be ready soon. 非常抱歉。您看我们今天太忙了,忘记给您缝上去了。您稍等一下,马上就好。 AOK, please. 好的。 BWould you like to have a look? Is it to your satisfaction? 您看一下吧,满意吗? AWell, oh my God, there is another problem, I'm afraid. There is still a stain on the shirt. 噢,天哪,恐怕又有一个问题。衬衣上还有个污点呢? BIt doesn't seem like that. Sorry, sir, we've tried everything, but we're not able to get it off the shirt. It was from the sugar I think. 好像不是那样的。抱歉先生,我们试了所有的方法,但是都不能从衬衣上去除那个污点。我想那应该是糖渍。 AIt's been several days now, I am not sure. 已经过了很多天了,我不确定。 BYes, the sugar was burnt during the dry-cleaning process. And there you go. 是的,在干洗的过程中,糖糊掉了。然后就是这样了。 AOh, that's so bad. I know little about that. Is there a remedy for it? 噢,那太糟了。我不知道会这样,有什么可以补救吗? BI am awfully sorry. Please tell us about the stains before the dry-cleaning next time. 非常抱歉。请下次干洗前告诉我们那是什么污点。 AOK, I will. 好的,我会的。 BThis is a membership card. You can get a 20 percent discount next time. 这是一张会员卡。下次来能打八折。 AThanks a lot. 非常感谢。 BHope to see you again. We will provide the best service. 下次再来,我们将提供最好的服务。 二也许你该雇个保姆来帮你 Nanny AHey Mel! Are you up for some tennis today? 你好,Mel。你今天有空打网球吗? BSorry, I can’t! I have to go to work, pick up Jake and Maddie from school, and make them an afternoon snack, then take Jake to soccer practice and Maddie to dance class. 对不起,我去不了,我得去干活,去学校接Jake和Maddie。并给他们做午饭,然后带Jake去进行足球训练,送Maddie去舞蹈班。 AYou sound exhausted. M


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