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青少版新概念 2A Unit 14-15 测试卷 Name:_______________ Score:__________________ 一 . 选出你所听到的单词: 10 分 ( )1. A. sweet B. street C.sweater ( ) 2. A. cocoa B. cool C. coat ( )3. A. homeland B. happen C. holiday ( )4. A. Welcome home! B. Welcome to my home! C. Welcome to China. ( )5. A. have a baby B. have a rest C. have a drink 二.单词互译: 10 分 1.不同的 _______ 2. 贵的_______ 3. 发生 ________ 4. 信封______ 5. 分享 ______ 6.among_______ 7.plateau_______ 8.unusual________ 9. Honour_______10.heaven______ 三.单选: 15 分 ( )1. --Can you go to the butcher’s and get ______ meat?–OK! A. many B. any C. some ( )2. – Did you go to the cinema last night? --Yes, I _______. A. do B. did C. go ( )3. --Can you ______ your room with Nancy? --Of course. A. stay B. share C. live ( )4.-- ______ makes the sweet special?– The beautiful packet. A. Why B. What C. How ( )5. Jane is coming to visit us ______ October. A. in B. on C. at ( )6. Were there any girls _______ the competitors? A. among B. in C. between ( )7. The juice _______ a basket of oranges. A. contain B. contains C. has ( )8. --Did we have any beef? --Yes, we did. But we didn ’t have_______. A. some B. many C. much ( )9. I want to buy some pens in the ________. A. restaurant B. greengrocer’s C. stationer’s ( )10. --What is _______? --There is a traffic jam over there. A. understanding B. happening C. becoming ( )11. I _______ a teacher when I grow up. (长大 ) A. am B. was C. am going to be ( )12. There were many apples on the tree, __________? A. were there B. weren’t there C. aren ’t th


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