牛津译林版八级英语上册Unit2 task课件(共26张PPT).ppt

牛津译林版八级英语上册Unit2 task课件(共26张PPT).ppt

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Unit 2 School life;小组合作朗读单词和词组(整齐,响亮);1、我理想中的学校 my ideal school 2、有一个小时吃午饭 have an hour for lunch 3、有许多时间进行课外活动 have lots of time for after-school activities 4、一个干净大的餐厅 a big clean dining hall 5 在午餐时间听音乐 listen to music at lunchtime 6、穿校服 wear school uniforms 7、戴领带 wear ties 8、选择科目学习 choose subjects to study ; 9、有一小时的家作 have an hour of homework 10 进行一次学校旅行 go on a school trip (to …) 11 做某事愉快 have fun doing sth. 12我理想的学校早上九点开始下午三点结束 My ideal school starts at 9a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. 13.我们不需要早起 We do not need to get up early. 14 每个班有大约20个学生 There are about 20 students in each class 15 你们多久进行一次学校旅行 How often do you go on school trips? 16 你认为这个时间太早还是太晚 Do you think this is too early or too late?;17.游泳池 a swimming pool 18 足球场 a football field 19. 你的学校几点上课? What time does your school start? 20.美术俱乐部 Art Club 21.你们学校几点放学? When do you finish school? 22.上电脑课 have computer lessons 23.我们总是玩得很高兴。 We always have fun.;What time does your school start?;How long is your lunchtime ?;Do you like to wear the school uniforms ? Why ?;;Discussion;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;; 3) How long is his lunch time? 4)What else can Daniel do at lunchtime ?; 5. What lessons does Daniel want to have every day ?;6. What isn’t in Daniel’s school? ( ) A. A library B. A football field C. A swimming pool D. A restaurant;Read the article carefully ;;★1、We will have lots of time for after-school activities. 我们将有许多时间进行课外活动。 have time for sth. 译为“有时间做某事”= have time __________ (do) sth. e.g.你每周有多少时间用来做运动? How much time do you ________ _______sports every week? ;★2 My ideal school starts at 9a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. 我理想的学校早上九点开始下午三点结束 finish 可做及物动词或不及物动词,意为“结束;终止; 停止;完成;用完;吃完,耗尽;使。。完美”等。 作及物动词时后接名词,代词或动名词。 finish sth/doing sth 我将在一小时内完成工作 I will _________ __________ __________ in an hour. 他读完了课文 He __________ ___________ the text. ★ 3 We


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