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Unit1 1.羞怯可以让人 从感觉轻微的不适到高度焦虑 ,这会对我们做任何事都有影响。 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do. 2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该 避免引起怀疑 。 Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions. 3.无论你说什么都会 被理解成批评 。 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say. 4.让我们 不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心 。 Let ’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles which we should ignore and forget. 5.花太多的时间老是想着过去 会阻碍你享受生活。 Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens. 6.相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人 更有可能在学校里表现得好。 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school. Unit2 1. 她穿了一条 有玫瑰团的裙子 。 She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it. 2. Helen 为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭 。 Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us. 3. Ann 信誓旦旦的保证 她不会说出去。 Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell. 4. 你能把这封信送到 会计部吗? Could you deliver this letter to the accounts department. 5. 他们为我们提供了 精选的牛奶和纯巧克力 。 We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate. 6. 告诉孩子们 别胡闹 。 Tell the children to keep out of mischief. 7. 我们可以听见 打雷的声音 。 We could hear the sound of distant thunder. 8. 这个项目已经 得到了政府的批准 。 The project has received approval from the government. 9. 虽然丈夫喝酒太多 ,但是 Kelly 仍然爱着他。 Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much. 10. 专家们看起来无法 对药物是否安全取得一致建议 Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not. Unit 3 1.由于紧急情况,这个医生几小时内都没有空 Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours. 2.税收将会如何影响低收入的人? How will taxes affect people with low incomes? 3.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴 My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn ’t give up practicing the piano. 4.这些书的价格从 10


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