牛津译林版必修2高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people Word power教学设计.docVIP

牛津译林版必修2高中英语 Unit3 Amazing people Word power教学设计.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 单  元:Unit 3 Amazing people 板  块:Word power Thoughts on the design: 本节课主要是以听、说为主的词汇教学课。主要从两个方面帮助学生扩大有关职业方面的词汇量:1、通过构词法中的派生法变成表示一些职业的词汇,也就是说在一些动词、名词、形容词等后加后缀,如-er、-or、-ist等,帮助学生对所学过的单词进行归纳,从中发现规律,同时,根据这些规则向他们介绍更多的符合这些规则的生词;2、根据本单元的有关职业话题,引申出更多的有关生词。 Teaching aims: After learning “word power”, the students will be able to master words, especially words for jobs. Besides, the students can enlarge their vocabulary by learning word formation of nouns aboutjobs. At the same time, the students will know more about jobs. Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead-in Brainstorming. Show some pictures of people who hold different jobs and ask the students the following questions: (PPT4—PPT12) 1. Do you know their jobs? (Show some pictures of different people and ask them to tell the jobs they do. Basketball player, policewoman, teacher, doctor, singer, model, painter, photographer and driver) 2. What other jobs do you know? (The answer depends on what the students know and answer.) [Explanation] 通过看一些图片,让学生猜出图片中人物的工作,不仅让学生热身,而且让他们对本课时的内容有初步的了解,以便成功地导入主题。 Step2 Vocabulary learning 1. Please look at the rules for word formation listed in the book. Add suffix to verbs, nouns or adjectives to form nouns. (PPT13—14) -er, -or, -ant, -ent, -ist are often added to verbs to form a noun about jobs -ist, -ian, -er are often added to nouns to form a noun about jobs -ist, -ian are often added to adjectives to form a noun about jobs (PPT15—17) We add -ess to refer to a woman. waiter→waitress host→hostess (god→goddess) actor→actress 2. Group work: Work in groups of 4 to think of more examples for each item in the form on P. 46. +er write →writercompose→composer think→thinker etc. +or invent →inventor edit→editor sail→sailor etc. +ant serve→servant depend→dependant +ent reside →resident +ist chemistry →chemistscience→scientist physics →physicist +ian history→historian technique→technicia


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