Green Zone《绿区(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Green Zone《绿区(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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伊hearts;拉hearts;克hearts;首都地区发生多起轰炸事件 More airwaves silent and most explosions 导致大面hearts;积hearts;的通讯中断 in the Iraqi capital. 萨hearts;达hearts;姆hearts;·侯赛因的故乡提克里特 Further explosions are unfolding in Tikrit, 则发生了更大规模的轰炸行动 which is Saddam Husseins ancestral hometown. 类似的轰炸事件席卷而来... well as blows from similar explosions are unfolding... 就在几分钟前 Just a few seconds ago, 又一轮hearts;大hearts;型轰炸袭击了市中心 another huge blast shook this city. 大规模的空袭伴随着巡航导弹 Cruise missiles and airstrikes raining down here 对巴格达进行惨无人道的轰炸 in a relentless assault on Baghdad. 毫无疑问战争在今夜爆发... There is no doubt tonight that war has begun... 美军对伊hearts;拉hearts;克hearts;首都实施代号hearts;为震慑的进攻 ...and the Iraqi capital is experiencing shock and awe. 伊hearts;拉hearts;克hearts; 巴格达 别管那些了 空间有限 快点 快点 我们必须马上撤离 大家赶紧下楼 将军 埃尔·拉维将军先生 我们必须马上撤离 快点 阿亚德 备车 我随后就到 赛义德 把大家都带到安全地区 让他们等我电hearts;话hearts; 遵命 将军 绿色地带 四周后 接近坐标为三五九的目标 Approaching target site three-five-niner. 迪瓦尼耶 化学武器工厂 核实大规模杀伤性武器据点 属实情报 好了 全体注意 All right, everybody, listen up. 那是一个军用仓库 迪瓦尼耶 It is a military storage site. Diwaniya. 情报显示那里可能有神经毒剂 窒息剂 Intel estimates possible nerve agents, choking agents, 活性病原体 化学核弹头 live pathogens, chemical-tipped missiles. 101师整个早上都在这里 101 st has been here all morning, 这个地区已经安全警戒 so the site is secure. 全体集中注意力 完毕 Everybody stay focused. This is it. 遭到敌袭 右侧 一百米 Shots fired, right side, 100 meters, tops. 我们遭到敌袭 右侧 一百米 We got shots fired. Right side, 100 meters. 快走 走 走 Lets go. Move. Move! 好吧 你走前面 Okay. Go ahead. 这里哪位军官负责 Whos the officer in charge? 快走 快走 快走 Move! Move! Move! 这里谁负责 Hey! Whos in charge? 在这里 艾斯拉中尉 Right here. Lieutenant Asira. 米勒队长 机动部队三角分队 Chief Miller, Met-Delta. 这帮人他妈在抢什么东西 What the fuck are all these looters doing here? 这里有大规模杀伤性武器 是最高警戒区 This is a WMD site. This is a high-priority site. 我连能封锁周边的人手都不够 Look, I dont even have enough men to set up the perimeter. 这个塔里有个狙击手 We got a sniper in this tower right here. 是后面那个高塔吗 In the big tower on the back? 是后面那个高塔 In the big tower on the bac


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