Nova: Extreme Cave Diving《PBS.新星.极限洞穴潜水(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Nova: Extreme Cave Diving《PBS.新星.极限洞穴潜水(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在巴哈马群岛 In the Bahamas islands, 世界顶级的洞穴潜水员纵身跳入深渊 the worlds best cave divers plunge into the abyss. 探秘水底洞穴世界 Theyre exploring underwater caves, 这里谜团重重 littered with mysteries 丧生的潜水者尸骸遍野 and divers who didnt get out alive. 按成功率算 这是全球最危险的运动 Per attempt, this is the most dangerous sport on Earth. 潜水员要面临塌方 光蔽和恐慌 They face cave-ins, blackouts, panic. 他们下潜是为了追求快hearts;感hearts; They do it for the rush, 争当第一人 they do it to be first, 也为寻找远古的骸骨 and they do it to find ancient bones. 这些洞穴称为蓝洞 These caves are blue holes, 让历史展现眼前的水中时间胶囊 liquid time capsules where the past stares right back at you. 接下来 极限潜水员将试着 Now, extreme divers try to 揭开失落世界的神秘面纱 solve the mystery of a lost world. 但他们能否在深海水压下 But can they survive this alien place, 战胜这片不可思议的地底水世界呢 under pressure, underwater, underground? 极限洞穴潜水 Extreme Cave Diving, 由新星和国家地理频道联合为您呈现 right now on this Nova/National Geographic special. 极限洞穴潜水 在加勒比海上 In the Caribbean Sea, 佛罗里达海岸对开60英里外 60 miles off the coast of Florida, 有一个名为巴哈马的天堂胜地 there is a paradise known as the Bahamas. 这里散发着无穷魅力 This is a place full of attractions; 每年吸引过百万游客到访 they draw millions of tourists each year. 这群游客 他们也许会小赌一把 But these visitors arent here for sun or sand, 但他们并非前来享受阳光和海滩 though they may be in for a bit of a gamble. 他们是来寻找一个失落世界 Theyve come to search for a lost world. 他们是极限探险家 Theyre extreme explorers, 也是漫游蓝洞这片内层水域的宇航员 astronauts of an inner space called blue holes. 蓝洞得名于 Blue holes get their name 其深水所呈现的暗蓝色 from the dark blue of their depths. 它们表面看起虽不起眼 And, while they dont look like much at the surface, 看似小池塘 实则深达数千英尺 what seems like a small pond can go thousands of feet down 里面水道和隧洞 and spread out into a maze 纵横交错如迷宫 of underwater passages and tunnels. 深洞的奥秘 The mystery of their depths 招来了一众能手和莽夫 beckons the able and the foolhardy alike. 每年平均有20名潜水员命丧此类洞穴 On average, 20 divers die each year in caves like this. 但对他们来说 冒险是值得的 But to these explorers, its worth the risk, 因为蓝洞不仅蔚为壮观 because blue holes arent just spectacular, 某些还保存着历史遗迹 some preserve


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