City Island《城市岛屿(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

City Island《城市岛屿(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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伙计们 立正 点名了 Alright, fellas. Stand up for the count. Stand up. -海曼 -到 - Hayman. - Here. -海斯夫 -到 - Hathford. - here. 女士们 早安 Morning ladies, morning. 伊莉斯柏 Ellersby. 玛德洛克 Madlock. 麦考尼 Mcchaughney. 走吧 Lets move it. 你问我心中最糟的秘密是什么 You asked me about my worst secret. 最私人的秘密 My most personal secret. 最大的秘密 The secret of all my secrets. 首先 ...But first 我 文斯·里佐 Im Vince Rizzo. 让我来说说我的家乡 I wanna begin by telling you about where I live. 城市岛屿是纽约布朗克斯区的一个小渔村 City Island is a fishing village located in le Bronx, New York. 城市岛屿独hearts;立hearts;于布朗克斯区其他部分 Not City Island is distinct from the rest of le Bronx 因为它座落于只有两条通道的岬角上 By virtue of being located on its own two-lane spit 正处在南部中hearts;央hearts;地带 Right in the middle of the South. 很多没到过那里的人不相信它的存在 Most people dont believe it until they see it. 一hearts;平hearts;方英里之内的 And within the one square mile that 所有土地组成了城市岛屿 comprises all there is of City Island 那里还有另一个独特之处 Lies yet another distinction. 关于移hearts;民hearts;和土著的对峙 That of the mussel sucker versus the clam digger. 移hearts;民hearts;居住在岛上 The mussel sucker is an island resident 他们从别的地方迁移而来 who moved here from somewhere else. 像我这样的土著却是土生土长 The clam diggers like myself were born and bred on city island. 就算住在一块儿 我们也宁可 Preferably in the same house whichve 各自繁衍后代 been handed down to other generations. 总之 这里的世界划分为两半 In short, the world can be divided between 移hearts;民hearts;和土著 Clam diggers and mussel suckers. 住这儿 在这儿游荡 Those who stay and those who wander. 你问我有没有最糟最隐私的秘密 You asked me about my worst secret my most personal secret 最大的秘密 The secret of all my secrets. 就像绝大多数人一样... Well, like most of us... 我当然也有 I guess I have a few. 文斯 把吹风机给我 Vince, I need the blow dryer. -文斯 我要吹风机 -来了 - Vince, I need the blow dryer. - Coming. -文斯 今天的考试准备好了吗 -好了 - Hey Vinnie, are you ready for your test today? - Totally. 我去开车 五分钟内过来啊 Im gonna start my car. Be there in five minutes. 早上好 Morning. 打个电hearts;话hearts;给薇维安 问她坐哪班车 Hey, call Vivian, will you? Find out what bus shes taking. 她要回来住吗 Is she s


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