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橄榄球比赛开局前 Theres a moment of orderly silence 都会有一阵子特别安静有序 before a football play begins. 球员各就各位 边裁肃立 Players are in position, linemen are frozen, 但下一刻 什么都可能发生 And anythings possible. 首都华盛顿 现场直播 接着 球员开始随意冲撞 形同一场车祸 Then, like a traffic accident, staff begins to randomly collide. 从发球的瞬间到第一次骨折 From the snap of the ball to the snap of the first bone 最多只需要四秒 Is closer to four seconds than five. 第一秒 One mississippi. 乔·西斯曼 华盛顿红人队的四分卫 Joe Theismann, the redskins quarterback 发球后把球交给跑锋 Takes the snap and hands off to his running back. 第二秒 Two mississippi. 一个假动作 跳蚤进攻战术 Its a trick play, a flea flicker, 跑锋又把球回传给四分卫 And the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback. 第三秒 Three mississippi. 到此为止 比赛还由 Up to now the plays been defined 四分卫掌控 by the what the quarterback sees. 接下来的情况 就不受他的控制了 Its about to be defined by what he doesnt. 第四秒 Four mississippi. 劳伦斯·泰勒 自踏入橄榄球坛以来 Lawrence Taylor is the best defensive player in the NFL 一直是NFL[全美橄榄球联盟] 最好的防守球员 And has been from the time he stepped onto the field as a rookie. 如各位所知 他也将改变橄榄球 He will also change the game of football as we know it. 让我们从相反角度再看一次 ...and well look at it with the reverse angle one more time. 我建议如果您的胆子小 还是别看了 And I suggest if your stomach is weak you just dont watch ... 传奇四分卫 乔·西斯曼 Legendary quarterback Joe Thiesmann 从此再没上场 never played another down of football. 大家都能猜到NFL最高薪的球员 Now, yall would guess that more often than not 大多数都是队里的四分卫 The highest paid player on an NFL team is the quarterback. 恭喜你 猜对了 And youd be right. 但是大家可能没想到 队里第二高薪 What you probably dont know is that more often than not 通常是左内边锋 The second highest paid player is, thanks to Lawrence Taylor, 这都拜劳伦斯·泰勒所赐 A left tackle. 因为 正如每位家庭主妇都知道 Because, as every housewife knows, 首先要付的就是按揭 The first check you write is for the mortgage 其次就是保险 But the second is for the insurence. 而左内边锋职责就是保护四分卫 And the left tackles job is to protect the quarterback 免受看不到的攻击 保护他的盲侧 From what he cant see coming. To protect his blind side. 理想的左内边锋要求身材高大 这


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