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锅炉水冷壁管 爬行器检测
Inspection Report
Sask Power Corp.
Queen Elizabeth Gen Station
Unit #3 Boiler, Water wall tubes
October 24 to 28, 2005
Inspect every 5th tube on the four water walls in order to obtain an overall condition assessment
of Boiler #3 water wall tubes. Report results in tabular and graphic formats.
A Ferroscope 308, 16 channel RFT instrument was used in conjunction with a magnetic Wall
Crawler™ and 12 channel E-PIT™ probe to inspect the tubes. The equipment uses a
proprietary electromagnetic technique, similar to Remote Field Testing (RFT), which impresses
a low frequency A.C. signal into the tubes. The interaction of the field and the tube is affected by
wall degradation, thermal fatigue, welds, hydrogen damage, blisters and other defects. The
changes in the field are measured by the Ferroscope, and are recorded and displayed on a lap-top
Fig-1, Ferroscope and lap-top
Russell N.D.E. Systems Inc. Confidential Report 11/3/2005
Fig-2 Magnetic Wall Crawler, data cable and safety rope
View is of crawler high up on South Wall.
The equipment was calibrated using a SA-178 C tube with nominal wall of 0.192 and diameter
2.5. This is nominally the same tube as those in the boiler.
The calibration tube had 0.250 diameter, internal flat bottom holes of 30%, 50% and 70% depth
plus an internal wall reduction to 0.165.
In addition, the cal tube had external flat bottom holes of 30%, 50% and 70% depth.
All defect signals were clearly visible within the calibration run data.
The crawler was positioned approximately 45 above the boiler floor on al
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