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Table of Contents目录;What do we intend to achieve in the course?本次课程我们要达到的目的?(1);Is our organization ready to utilize the Baldrige Award? 我们的组织是否具备使用波多里奇奖的环境? How to implement the Baldrige Award criteria? 怎样实施波多里奇奖标准? How to carry out self-assessment based on Baldrige Award Criteria? 怎样基于波多里奇奖标准进行自评? 如何编写自评报告? ;Subject 1 主题1 Background of Performance Excellence and Baldrige Award Overview 业绩卓越奖的背景以及波多里奇 奖的概况;The First Quality Award最早的质量奖(1);Deming showed great sympathy for the predicament of his hosts, for example by donating the income from his lectures to the Union of Japanese Engineers and Scientists (JUSE). So when JUSE decided in 1951 to establish a national award to promote quality management, it was natural that they should name it for Dr. Deming. It became the standard by which business excellence was judged in Japan for more than 40 years. 戴明对日本的困境显示了很大的同情心,例如他将讲课的收入捐赠给日本科学家与工程师联合会(JUSE)。所以当1951年JUSE决定建立提高质量管理的国家质量奖时,便以戴明博士的名字命名。此奖项现在被认为是日本40多年来商业卓越方面的最高奖项。;The Emerging of Baldrige Award (1) 波多里奇奖的出现(1);During these same three decades, quality management techniques were a cornerstone of Japans economic miracle, including its major penetration into markets around the world. It is again ironic that while the U.S.A. discarded quality management and gave it as an unintentional gift to Japan, it was the Japanese who later brought it back unintentionally to the U.S.A. The reawakening of U.S. interest in quality in the 1980s was largely due to the devastating effect of foreign competition. 在相同的时期内,质量管理技术已经成为日本的经济奇迹以及日本向全球市场渗透的基石。当美国抛弃质量管理并将其作为一份无心 的礼物赠送给日本,是日本又在后来将其回赠给美国。1980年美国重新对质量感兴趣主要是由于外国竞争的巨大影响。;By the mid 1980s there was panic in many quarters in the USA. Foreign competition seemed to be having its way and no one could figure out why, or how to stop the rot. All kinds of madcap theories and solutions were being discussed, in industry, in the media and among politicians. At this time only a relatively few U.S. companies such as Xerox and Ford had


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