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哈里温斯顿 市场分析 HARRY WINSTON Principles of Marketing UGB112 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Objectives 2 1.2 Vision and Mission 2 2.0 Company Summary 2.1 Background 3 2.2 Company Locations and Facilities45 3.0 Products and Services 3.1 Products Description6 3.2 Competitive Comparison 7 3.3 Supply and Demand Details 8 3.4 Technology Needs9 4.0 Market Analysis 4.1 Target Market 4.1.1 Target Market Segment Strategy10 4.1.2 Market Needs 10 4.1.3 Market Trends 11 4.1.4 Market Growth 11 4.2 Industry Analysis 4.2.1 Industry Participants/Key Players 12 4.2.2 Main Competitors/Competitive Analysis 13 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary 5.1 Marketing Strategy 14 5.2 Pricing Strategy 14 5.3 Promotion Strategy 14 5.4 Distribution Patterns 15 5.5 Marketing Programs 15 5.6 Sales Strategy 16 5.7 Sales Forecast 16 5.8 Sales Programs 17 6.0 Web Plan Summary 6.1 Website Marketing Strategy 1819 6.2 Development Requirements 20 7.0 Conclusion 21 LIST OF REFERENCES 22Student : LIU JIANAN ( SCM - 016302 ) page 1 Principles of Marketing UGB112 Marketing Plan For Harry Winston Garland Collection For 2013 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Objectives The purpose of this report is to: plans to increase four jewelry shops in the world; make a market growth rate of 7% in 2013. Expand the market in parts of Asia, and design more jewelry collection for brides groups. As follows: - This program focuses on the Chinese market, the Indian market and the Japanese market; - To to increase publicity efforts and influence; increase to establish some of their positions in the network; - To raise brand awareness in the network - Design jewelry series suitable for bride customer groups and couples customer groups; increase the range of products of the Charms. - Increased retail outlets and salon shops. 1.2 Vision and Mission The purpose and vision of Harry Winston are : - Creating financial value for shareholders, - To establish emotional value for customers through social and get a good


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