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2021/9/12 * 附加:英语单词重读规则 单音节词都重读 双音节词: a. 通常第一个音节重读 ’China☆ ’second☆ ’autumn b. 单词本身含有a-, be-, de-, re-, in-等前缀时,重读第二个音节。 a’bout☆ be’fore☆ re’pair☆ in’vent 2021/9/12 * 多音节词: a. 通常在倒数第三个音节重读 ele’phant☆ yester’day☆ after’noon b. 词尾有-ic, -tion或-sion的词,则在其之前的一个音节上重读 scien’tific☆ im’pression☆ appli’cation congratu’lation☆ 2021/9/12 * -re字母组合在重读音节中的读音 are /e?/ care☆ dare☆ hare ere /i?/ here☆ mere☆ sphere ire /ai?/ fire☆ wire☆ hire☆ tired ore /?:/ more☆ score☆ before ure /ju?/ pure☆ cure☆ sure 2021/9/12 * -sion /?n/ impression☆ /?n/ vision☆ decision ☆occasion -tion /?n/ population ☆ station /t?n/ question ☆suggestion -sure /??/ pressure ☆ /??/ pleasure ☆measure ☆treasure -ture /t??/ picture ☆culture ☆structure -sten /sn/ listen -stle /sl/ whistle ☆castle 2021/9/12 * Thank you! This PowerPoint presentation was created by Jean Fu Reach High English School 2021/9/12 * The girls learnt world history in the first and third terms at the university. It’s the early bird that catches the worm. My younger brother is a doctor. Please return the alarm clock to the teacher. You’d better do it faster. 2021/9/12 * Tongue twister: Butter and sugar and eggs and flour, Beat them again for half an hour, Bake the cake for an hour or more, But you never must open the oven door. 2021/9/12 * Fricative consonants: /θ//e/ th在通常情况下,读音/θ/ thin☆ thirty☆ method☆ thick☆ throw 在冠词,代词,介词,连词中,读音/e/ The☆ these ☆with ☆ than ☆this ☆that 在词尾-the, -ther中 clothe ☆father ☆ mother ☆breathe 2021/9/12 * Exercises: Words: theme ☆ thing ☆thank ☆thumb ☆third breath ☆youth ☆tooth ☆worth ☆death though ☆their ☆clothe ☆they ☆those Breath-breathe teeth-teethe North-northern south-southern 2021/9/12 * A thousand thanks a wealthy brother Neither father or mother Three thousand and three North and south mother’s clothes My father and mother went through thick and thin together. These clothes aren’t worth anything. He left his father and mother and went abroad with his brother Arthur. 2021/9/12 * Frica


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