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广告英语的模糊性探析 -The Analysis of Fuzziness in Advertisin g English The Analysis of Fuzziness in Advertising English [Abstract] Advertising may be described as the science of arresting t he human intelligence long enough to get money from it. It is thus clear that advertising has played a decisive role in today ’s busin ess world. The issue of whether advertising languages are attractive and persuasive or not has became the point of attention. So thorough and theoretical studies on language features of English advertising helps improve both the understanding and designing of successful adver tisements. After a brief introduction to advertising, advertising langu age, fuzziness and fuzzy linguistics, the thesis is focused on the l inguistic realizations of fuzziness in advertising English from the fo llowing two perspectives: the semantic realization and rhetorical devic es. In the semantic analysis, fuzzy qualifiers, numerical fuzzy quanti fiers, fuzzy verbs, descriptive adjectives and symbols and abbreviation s are analyzed to reveal fuzzy nature that are used by advertisers to achieve their persuasive ends. While in the rhetorical devices, pu nning, metaphors, and euphemism which make language more vivid and cr eate more boundless association and imagination are discussed. Then th e thesis concludes with a brief summary of the article and points o ut the limitations of the study. [Key Words] advertising Englis



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