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第六步 为丰韵,猪肚”而备 很多考生写作得分不高,最关键的一点是相关语言知识 储备少,没有大量的语言输入,何谈语言的输出和习作的出 彩?从近几年高考书面表达来看,其最大特点是贴近生活, 即所有的命题都是围绕高中生日常生活展开的。为此,本部 分精选高考常考的1。个话题,供考生积累背诵,为丰韵“猪 肚”增加知识储备。;微写作〃高考常考话题㈠);二、话题短语 1 ? have a good knowledge of 2. attach importance to 3 . form the habit of 4. learn …by heart 5. be accustomed to 6. make progress 7. concentrate on;It is universally acknowledged that learning English well will;4. All efforts will be in vain (/we can t learn English by practicing repeatedly. 如果我们不通过反复练习来学习英语,所有的努力将付之东流。 5. I can enlarge my vocabulary as well as learning more about the culture and customs of English-speaking countries by reading works in English. 通过阅读英语作品我可以增加词汇量,了解更多说英语国家 的风俗文化。;6. Firstly, I always take part in the English corner where I often exchange my English study experience with others, which;四■话题佳作;注意: 1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译; 2. 词数150左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数; 3. 文中不得提及考生所在学校名称和本人姓名。 Dear Eric, I m sorry to hear that you failed in the Chinese contest last week. You got well prepared for the fierce competition _________;[背满分作文] Dear Eric, r m sorry to hear that you failed in the Chinese contest last week. You got well prepared for the fierce competition but, facing such a big audience, you finally failed by just one point. Don t be discouraged. You failed because you were so nervous on the stage. Or maybe you cared too much about winning and losing, which was absolutely unnecessary.;As is known to all, one failure doesn, t mean you are not excellent at alL On the contrary^ you can take this as a chance to improve yourself. Everyone has experienced failure in life. Some take failure for granted while others face failure bravely and learn lessons from it. In the end, they achieved success. Failure is the mother of success. You can learn from your failure. If you continue to make efforts and keep practising, you will make it. r 11 be very happy if I can be of any help. Yours, Jiang Ming;微写作脂高考常考话题U);二、话题短语 1 . develop an interest in 2. have an eye for 3 ? be crazy about 4.


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