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会计学;Grammatical Filling;;今天的学习重点:; 高考分析 ; 语法填空之:用括号中词语的正确形式填空 词类转换题 所占分值: 1.5分1题,共10个空,满分15分。 所占比例:2014年 2015年 2016年 (6分) ; 如何解这类题呢???; 首先, 词类转换题要先确定所要填的单词在句中的; 1. (friend) are gifts that you give yourself. They worry about______(make) mistake. 3.And to show my _____________ (appreciate感激) I decided to get her a present. ;技巧1:用名词:;have a shot ;;趁热打铁; 1.“I’ve?got?an?A?for?my?history,”?Judy?said?______(happy) 2.There must be something _____ (serious) wrong with our society. 3. _____ (lucky), he won the game. ;pay attention,attention!注意咯!;小试牛刀(have a shot ); [例1] Your mistake caused a lot of ___________ (necessary) work in the office. [例2] please dont ____________ (understand) me , I am not the person who you think. ;try try try, go go go;Summary:change of words 词类转换题;practice(练习); ;2. The in the street is very . ;;1. “Thirty-five cents,” she said [36]__________ (rude). (07深圳一模) 2. As far as I am concerned, my [37] ____________ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English within easy reach. (08惠二模) 3 . it’s ___________ (possible) for us to finish so much work within so little time (2013 浙江) ; 4. I was not afraid of??_______?(catch) by the police. 5.Just be ____ (patience).(2014新课标Ⅰ) 6.We?felt?___?after?we?watched?the?___?football ?match.(excite) 7. .the government thinks _____(high) of his work;8. He isn’t good at _______(talk) but he gets on well with other people.(2013) 9.I won the race. I felt very______( proudly )of myself. 10. My legs become ______ (pain). (2014 辽宁) 11.It is one of the great _________(invent) in the world in the twentieth century. ;12. _____things bring people _____(happy) 13.


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