初中英语_Introduction to small talk教学课件设计.ppt

初中英语_Introduction to small talk教学课件设计.ppt

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Introduction to small talk Section A Period Two Words Review cultural similarity introduction dialog empty period humorous private adj. 文化的 n. 相似点 n.介绍 n. 对话 adj. 空的 n. 一段时间 adj. 有幽默感的 adj. 私人的 break the ice nicely form business worker helpful customer 打破僵局 adv. 漂亮地 n. 形式 n. 商业 n. 工作者 adj. 有用的 n. 顾客 Words Review Words Review avoid greeting therefore chance basic light subject v. 避免 n. 问候 adv. 因此 n. 机会 adj. 基本的 adj. 轻的 n. 主题 Read the article quickly and find a heading for each paragraph. A 1, Cultural differences B 2, Cultural similarities C 3, What is small talk? D 4, What should we talk about? E 5, An everyday activity Fast Reading A: What is small talk? Definition Places Feelings Small talk is ______ _______ that helps people ____ ____ _____ when they meet others. People make small talk when _______________ ____________________. Small talk makes others ____ _______ and __ ______ _____ _____. relaxed dialog pass the time waiting in line at the airport or bus stop feel relaxed it passes time nicely 排队等候 B: An everyday activity a common form of communication 普遍的交流方式 who when business travelers workers in shops or restaurants before discussing with serious business when serving customers CD: Cultural differences and similarities Similarities(basic rules) In most cultures, it is important to ______ and keep the conversation _______ and __________. Differences Things we should not discuss can also _________ _______. smile light humorous depend on culture 取决于 Cultural differences 文化差异 Two Chinese students meet in the street. How will they greet each other? 问候 family,salary(收入) Private subjects should be ________. avoided politics(政治) races(种族) 私人话题



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