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嘻哈幽默英语故事三则 嘻哈幽默英语故事:许个愿吧! Every morning on his way to work, a businessman passed a house where he saw a woman beating her boy on the head with a loaf of bread. But on this particular day, he noticed that she was hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake. 每天早晨一位商人在上班途中都会经过一户人家,他总是看见一个女人用一条面包打她儿子的头部。但今天却比较特别,他发现她正用一块巧克力蛋糕打他的头。 Unable to restrain his curiosity, he rang the doorbell and the woman answered. 他忍不住好奇,便按了那户人家的门铃。女人听了铃声,出来开门。 “Madam, I couldn’t help but notice that every day you beat your child with a loaf of bread...” “这位太太,每天经过这里我都忍不住会注意到你用一条面包打你儿子……” “That’s true...” “那倒是不假……” “And yet today I observed that you were hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake.” “可是今天我却看见你用一块巧克力蛋糕打他。” “Well, today’s his birthday.” “今天是他生日嘛。” 嘻哈幽默英语故事:无聊的课 One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is known for his droll sense of humor. 在开普吉拉多市的东南密苏里州立大学上学的时候,我喜欢的几个老师之中有一个以他的幽默感而出名。 Explaining his ground rules to one freshman class, he said, Now I know my lectures can often be dry and boring, so I dont mind if you look at your watches during class. 给新生上头一节课,他给学生解释在他课上的纪律,他说:“我知道我的课经常会很枯燥乏味,所以我并不介意你们在课上看表。 I do, however, object to your pounding them on the desk to make sure theyre running! 然而,我坚决不允许你们把表重重的摔在课桌上,以此来检查你的表是不是还在走。” 嘻哈幽默英语故事:也许这个名字真管用 During the college speech course I taught,I spoke about a Chinese student who,after moving to the United States,decided she wanted an English name to honor her new home. 我在大学教演讲课程,一次上课时,我谈到一位中国学生,在来到美国后想起一个英文名来纪念他的新家。 She chose the name Patience, I told the class,because she wanted to be reminded to be patient. 她选择了耐心这个名字,我跟课堂上的学生说,因为她想别人提醒她要有耐心。 Every time someone called her name,the message was reinforced.I asked the students what names they would select for themselves.After considering the question,one young man raised his hand and said, Rich. 每一次有人喊她名字的时候,这个信息就会被强调一次。我问我的学生他们想给她取一个什


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