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和天下香烟包装条盒送出与自动剔除装置设计 和天下香烟包装条盒送出与自动剔除装置设计 摘要 包装机是生产以及外包产品的机器的统称,其主要的功能为包装各种产品,而包装机推包机构是给包装机提供包装产品的机构,其主要功能即是将产品从生产线输送到机器的相应入口,推包机构的运动是按一定轨迹的循环往复运动。它推送物品到指定位置——包装工作台,该机构优点是取代了传统的人工移动物品,改善了工作效率低的缺点。 本文所设计的香烟盒推包机构,包含回程一体全自动化功能,其设计思路主要来自于对传统工艺的分解,然后对应相应功能的机构部件进行组合设计,对比,选定,以及机构优化。综合利用凸轮往复运动,齿轮的传动运动,以及减速器定值调速比功能的设定。再利用solidworks三维软件、Auto Cad软件强大绘图功能,和Word的编辑功能,图文并茂地把设计方案展现出来。 对推包机构则采用曲柄摇杆机构与凸轮机构的组合机构相结合。其中,曲柄摇杆机构控制推头的水平方向上运动,凸轮机构控制推头垂直方向的上下运动。在本机构设计中,推头回程过程中不会影响下一个工件的到来,从而总体来讲提高了效率。 剔除机构则是采用了气缸的上下运动,当检测到不合格品时,通过气缸改变传送带与水平方向的角度,从而将不合格品运送到其他位置。 关键词:推包机构包装机 气缸 凸轮 减速机 齿轮 The pusher and automatic elimination mechanism design of HETIANXIA cigarette package ABSTRACT Packing machine is a machine about and outsourcing collectively a production, Its main feature is the packaging of different products. However, the packaging machine push package body is the systems of packaging products, packaging machine, Its main function is to move products from the production line to the corresponding entry of the packaging machine, the mediums movement is a movement of the circulation by a certain track. The agency push items arrived at the designated packing table, the agency replaces the tradition of manual movable objects inefficiency. I designed cigarette package institution push package, includes one of the fully automated. its main design inspiration comes from the decomposition of traditional technology, then designed follow the corresponding function body parts, contrast, selected, and optimized. The use of the cam reciprocates, the movement of the gear drive, and the set value of the speed ratio of the reducer. The use of the powerful drawing features Solidworks software ,Auto Cad software and Word editing features, design illustrated, can show the design plan vividly. In this system, to push package mechanism adopts crank rocker mechanism combined with the combination of the CAM mechanism. Crank rocker mechanism c


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