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商务信函得翻译 (二 )商务信函得典型例句翻译练习I.1.Translate thefollow in g sentence s、We b roug h t tooutstanding f orth e kno wle dge of t he Sellert h at our o rd erhadbe ena co nsider able am ount o f t ime、2.We shal l b e oblige di f y ouqu ote us th e rock—bo ttomprice sfor yourpr oduc 商务信函得翻译 (二 ) 商务信函得典型例句翻译练习 I. 1. Translate the follow in g sentence s、 We b roug h t to outstanding f or th e kno wle dge of t he Seller t h at our o rd er had be en a co nsider able am ount o f t ime、 2. We shal l b e oblige d i f y ou qu ote us th e rock—bo ttom price s for your pr oduc ts at yo ur ea rliest c o nveni enc e、 3. We tru st you pu lated time as nd fin ancial will see to it tha t t he order is shipped with in t he st i a any d elay wo uld loss、 cause us no l it tle inco nti nence 4. we ’re s orr y to i n fo rm th a t yo ur price has been fo und unpe tit i ve b ut were st ill int e res te d i n doing busin e ss if you cou l d b rin g d own yo u r pri c e to an a ccept ed lev el、 5. 6. Woul d yo u kind ly quo t e us y our lo we st pric e FOB London AS A P. As requested, we are air mail ing to yo u under se pa rate co ve r, a sam ple of Arti cl e No s、2031 and 2032 for your re fere nce、 7. Fo r good s orde red w e request payment to be made up on b y a co nfirme d and ir revocable lette r o f credi t pay able on sight n o f s hip ping document s、 t he pres ent ati o 8. In view of the fact t ha t y ou r vi o l a ti on of the c ontrac t ha s caused u s undes erved l o sse s, w e regr et t o say th at w e ha ve can ce led t he cont ract , and w e r eserve the rig ht t o claim d ama ges、 9. As specifi ca lly st ipulated in the cont ract, th e rel evant L /C co verin g th e go ods to b e s hi pp ed in May sh all r eac h April 15 、 us no l ater than 10. It would be appr eci ated if you c oul d quote y ou r b est pr ic es of CIF Shan ghai for chai rs, and als o l e t us know th e earliest possi ble date you c an make shipm en t、 商务信函得翻译练习实例分析 信函一 (国际支付函件) Dea r Sir


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