PET语言能力提升5.PET Writing Part1 常考点梳理(2).pdfVIP

PET语言能力提升5.PET Writing Part1 常考点梳理(2).pdf

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Lesson3 - PET Writing Part1 常考点梳理(2) 1. 四大金花 ① spend: sb. spend money on sth sb. spend time in doing sth ② cost: It costs sb. some money to do sth ③ take: It takes sb. some time to do sth ④ pay: sb. pay (money) for sth. 例句: XQ spent 20 dollars on a new shirt. It cost XQ 20 dollars on a new shirt. It took XQ 20 dollars on a new shirt. XQ paid 20 dollars for a new shirt. 2. 主语+so+形容词+that+句子 结构 :主语+such a/an+形容词+名词单数+that+句子 (名词为复数则去掉a/an ) 例句: It’s such a big apple that I can’t eat it up. They are such big apples I can’t eat them up. 1 3. 其他常考点 ①能够 can do=am/is/are able to do could do=was/were able to do 例句:Tommy can eat 10 burgers in ten minutes. Tommy is able to eat 10 burgers in ten minutes. ②期待 can’t wait to do sth. / for sth. =look forward to sth. / doing sth. 例句:I can’t wait to see you tonight. I look forward to seeing you tonight. ③联系 contact sb.=keep in touch with sb.=call sb. ④不允许 can’t do/ mustn’t do=am/is/are not allowed to do 例句:You can ’t/ mustn ’t sleep here. You are not allowed to sleep here. ⑤更喜欢 prefer to do rather than do=would rather do than do like doing=enjoy doing=prefer doing to doing 例句:I prefer to walk rather than take a bus. I would rather walk than take a bus. 2 ⑥when 和 during 的互换 when we are on holiday=during the holiday ⑦ing 和 ed 的互换 sth. is exciting. =sb. is excited about sth. sth. is interesting=sb. is interested in sth. sth. is surprising=sb. is surprised at sth. 例句:The movie is exciting. I am excited about the movie. ⑧too…to…和 not…enough She is too young to go to school. She is not old enough to go to school. ⑨there be 和have/has I have a lovely cat in my house. There is a lovely cat in my house. 3


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