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Reading Part 3 (1 ) QUESTIONS 11-20 Look at the sentences below about a boy who finds a gold coin. Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet. 11 Sam knew the object he found was a coin, as soon as he saw it. 12 Sam found the gold coin at the bottom of a hole he was digging 13 Sam disagreed with his dads view of how much the coin was worth. 14 The lady at the local university was unsure exactly how old the coin was. 15 Sam was informed that the coin was in good condition. 16 The kind of gold coin Sam found was fairly common in the past. 17 Sam’s dads farm has existed since ancient times. th 18 The ancient village is mentioned in documents which date from before 14 century. 19 Sam will continue with his plans to study science at university. 20 Sam is keen to get the reward money soon. Teenager Finds Buried Treasure Teenage r Sa m Russel l firs t thought he had found a piece of rubbish when he pulled a small circle of metal from the ground. However, the piece of metal was in fact a centuries-old gold coin. Sam explained how he was working on his fathers farm when he made the discovery. I was building a fence in a field my father owns, called the Riverside Field. Id dug the hole and Id removed the soil, and it was only when I was putting the soil back in, that I noticed this small object in the grass beside me. Dads always talking about the history of the area,so that made me take another look at it,’ he said. Sam showed the coin to his father William, who said he didn’t think the coin was valuable. I wasn’t so sure, said Sam, So I contacted someone at the local university and she emailed me back to say that the


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