公开课获奖《Unit 1 My names Gina(5)Section B(2a-3b)课件.ppt

公开课获奖《Unit 1 My names Gina(5)Section B(2a-3b)课件.ppt

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Unit 1 My names Gina. 第五课时 Section B(2a~3b) What’s your first name?你叫什么名字? (1)这是一个询问名字的常用句型,答复时只需答复出“名〞,而不需答复出“姓〞。first name指“名字〞,与“given name〞同义。 (2)first adj.“第一的〞,表示顺序的词,称为序数词,通常与定冠词the或形容词性物主代词连用。 【辨析】first,one first表示“首先,第一〞,是序数词,强调顺序。one表示“一(个)〞,强调数量,是基数词。 2. What’s your last name?你姓什么? 这是一个询问姓氏的常用句型。英美人的姓氏总是放在后面,所以“姓氏〞用英语叫last name(后面的名字)或family name(家族的名字)。 3.中文姓名和英文姓名的顺序中文姓名的顺序为姓在前,名在后。而英文名字那么与中文名字顺序相反,英文姓名是名在前,姓在后。中国人的姓名译成英语时,可直接用汉语拼音表示,姓和名要分为两个词写。eg:Deng Yaping邓亚萍 4. China中国,属于专有名词,无论在什么地方,首字母都要大写。 三、单项选择。 B C D C C 16. is,your,what,name(?)(连词成句) ______________________ What is your name? 17. My father’s phone number is ________.(对画线局部提问) 361-6132 B A paper 105 A. D. printing 1041-1045 It was invented … compass 11th Century gunpowder 9th Century It was invented … I think the …was invented before/ after the… car computer telephone TV 1b Listen and match the inventions with the dates. _____ 1876 _____ 1885 _____ 1927 _____ 1971 d a c b in 1885 in 1971 The …was invented in… in 1876 in 1927 The …was invented in… 1.Did grandmother’s family have a telephone? Yes, they did. 2.Did grandmother’s family have a car? Yes, they did. 3.Did grandmother’s family have a TV? Why? No, they didn’t Because they were so expensive that they couldn’t afford one. 4.Did grandmother’s family have a computer? Do they have one? No, they didn’t. Yes, they do. Read and answer the questions 看图完成句子。 1. (1885, invented) The car _______ _______ in 1885. 2. (around 1927, invented) The TV _______ _______ around 1927. was invented was invented 3. (1971, invented) The personal computer ______ ______ ______ 1971. 4. (1876,invented) The telephone _______ ______ ______ ______. was invented in was invented in 1876 Make a similar conversation with your partner using the 1b as a model. A: When was the TV i


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