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当代文化类电视节目的进展策略研究 摘 要 自2017 年起,“文化热”成为我国电视行业火热的话题,各种各样的文化类节目出现在 电视荧 屏上。这些文化类节目播出后不仅取得了了很高的收视率,还收到了广大观众的好评,更是激 起 了群众们读书的兴趣,纷纷加入到传统文化的学习过程中来。文化类节目在刚开始推出的时候的确 收到了不同凡响的效果,但是随着近些年来文化类节目层出不穷,文化类的电视节目也出现了一些 新的问题。本文将对目前具有代表意义的文化类节目展开研究,探究当今时代下文化类电视节目取 得的成就与存在的问题,总结出经验与教训,并根据面临的问题提出整改措施的建议,为我国未来 文化节目的进展打下良好的基础。 关键词 :文化类电视节目;创新;进展策略 Abstract Since 2017, “cultural fever” has become a hot topic in Chinas TV industry, and various cultural programs appear on TV screens. After the broadcast of these cultural programs, they not only achieved high ratings, but also received favorable comments from the audience. They also stimulated the interest of the masses to study and joined the learning process of traditional culture. Cultural programs did receive extraordinary results when they first started, but with the emergence of cultural programs in recent years, cultural TV shows have also seen some new problems. This paper will conduct research on the cultural programs that are currently representative, explore the achievements and existing problems of cultural TV programs in the current era, summarize the experiences and lessons, and propose suggestions for rectification measures according to the problems faced, for the future of China. The development of cultural programs laid a good foundation. Keywords: cultural TV programs; innovation; development strategy 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第一章 绪论1 第一节 研究背景和课题意义1 第二节 研究问题与研究对象1 第三节 文献综述1 第四节 研究方法和研究的重点2 第二章 当代文化类电视节目的发展概述2 第一节 文化类电视节目概述2 第二节 文化类电视节目的兴起与发展3 第三章 当代文化类电视节目的成功因素分析6 第一节 观众的心理与需求因素6 1.泛娱乐化下观众的视觉审美疲劳6 2.观众日益增长的精神文化需求6 第二节



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