Unit 6 When was it invented单元词组与句型 人教版九年级上册英语.docxVIP

Unit 6 When was it invented单元词组与句型 人教版九年级上册英语.docx

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Unit 6 When was it invented ? 1 in what order do you think they were invented ? 2 the things below / above 3 before & after 4 invent , inventor , invention 5 be used for doing 6 be used to do 7 be used as 8 be used to doing 9 used to do 10 operate on sb , operation 11 battery-operated slipper 12 warm-hearted man 13 in the dark 14 the style of the shoes 15 helpful inventions 16 annoying inventions 17 the light bulb 18 all day and all night 19 alone & lonely 20 what do you think is best ? 21 what do you think he likes best ? 22 by mistake 23 enough time / desks 24 slow / slowly enough 25 enough for 26 enough to do 27 enough for sb to do 28 make the customer happy 29 in the end 30 at the end of 31 by the end of 32 cook sth for a long time 33 until & not…until 34 the answer to the question 35 the key to the door 36 according to 37 the western world 38 before that 39 after that 40 a nearby bush 41 boil water 42 boiling water 43 boiled water 44 fall into 45 remain in one's mind 46 produce a pleasant smell 47 please , pleased, pleasure , pleasant 48 in this way 49 in some ways 50 prefer … to… 51 prefer doing to doing 52 prefer to do / doing 53 Do you prefer coffee or tea? 54 prefer?to?do?something?rather?than? do 55 be easily broken 56 travel around China 57 100 countries including China 58 100 countries , China included 59 knock into 60 fall down 61 divide … into… 62 teach sb how to do 63 the aim of basketball is for sb to do… 64 while doing 65 each other 66 it’s believed that … 67 it’s said that … 68 take part / take part in 69 since then 70 the popularity of basketball 71 the number of the students 72 a number of students 73 dream of 74 play on a soccer team 75 do research on 76 give a report to sb


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