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英文倡议书格式 导语:倡议书是为倡议、发起某项活动而写的号召性的 公开提议性的专用书信。下面是由本人整理收集的一些关于 英语的倡议书,欢迎大家阅读借鉴。 英文倡议书格式范文 Students: Water is the source of life and the material basis for humansurvival and development. China is a shortage of fresh water resources, in more than half of 660 cities, about half of the water shortage, and in recent years, the trend, the water crisis is approaching us. To this end, I propose to the whole school students: saving water and creating a water-saving society. 1. promote the importance of saving water, and start from me, cherish water and save water. 2. pay attention to adjusting the water supply of the faucet and timely sekimizu; Reuse water as much as possible, such as flush the toilet, by means of water with clean out water, etc. 3. to timely report the leak of the water pipe running; The act of wasting water should be stopped in time. 4. do not throw garbage or other pollutants into the water of Shirakawa, keep the water body clean Students, save water, for the benefit of mankind, gongzaidangjin, Leigh in Chiaki. In the face of the serious situation of water shortage, we should take a high sense of responsibility, for the survival and development of mankind, actively action, cherish, save every drop of water! What will the world be like to lose water? Hope the last drop of humanwater, dont be your own tears! Project proponent: he mengyao of fifteen small in Nanyang city, Henan province 同学们: 水是生命之源,是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。我 国是一个淡水资源短缺的国家,在 660 多座城市中,约有一 半缺水,且近年来有愈演愈烈之势,水危机正向我们步步逼 近。为此,我向全校同学倡议: 节约用水, 创建节水型社会。 1、宣传节约用水的重要性,并从我做起,爱惜水、节 约水。 2、注意调节水龙头水量,并及时关水 ; 尽量将水重复利 用,如用洗衣


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