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PAGE PAGE 1 品牌转让协议英文范文 1.股权转让协议书范本 请高手翻译成英文 英文法律文书的语言和词汇,用机器是翻译不了的。 收费的话,您最低要给我三百元。 A公司股权转让协议 签订协议各方: 出让方:G公司 受让方:P公司 A Companys Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and between G Company, the Assignor P Company, the Assignee A公司 是由 G公司 投资设立的一家外资企业。 A公司 在杭州市工商行政管理局登记,投资总额为XX万美元,注册资本为XX万美元。现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在公平互利,协商全都的基础上,达成协议如下: A Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. A Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx. Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of A Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of A Companys shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows: 第一条、出让方和受让方的基本状况 出让方: 1.1、G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。 受让方: 1.2、P公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。 1. Basic particulars of the Assignor and Assignee The Assignor: G Companys official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ The Assignee: P Companys official address:_________________________; Legal representative:_____________ Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________ 其次条、股权转让的份额及价格 2.1、G公司 将其所持 A公司 的全部股份,转让给 P公司,转让价格为__________,领取币种为_______。 2. The price and percentage of the equity interests assigned 2.1 G Company is to assign all its shares of A Company to P Company at a cost of _____________, to be paid in the currency of _______________. 第三条、股权转让交割期限及方式 3.1、本协议由审批机构批准后生效,受让方将其次条商定的转让款项自营业执照变更后 一个月内 缴付给出让方。 3. Closing date and mode of the equity assignment This Agreement shall become effective after the approval by the relev


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