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我国太阳能光伏产业商业模式创新研究 摘要 目前,国内外光伏产业正面临着前所未有的危机。由于低成本光伏产品在中国 达到一定的影响,国内光伏产业也受到欧洲和印度的“双反”影响,无法出口,导致 产能过剩。加之中国光伏企业商业模式同质化问题已经严重阻碍中国光伏产业的发展。 我国光伏企业应根据自身情况建立商业模式,创新商业模式将成为企业的首要任务。 本文通过对我国太阳能光伏产业发展环境做出了相关的介绍,分析了当前国内外光伏 产业发展过程,总结了当前我国太阳能光伏产业的研究深度。我将太阳能光伏产业现 有的发展现状进行浅析,概括我国目前的光伏商业模式的优缺点、找到其发展过程 中存在的问题、造成该问题的原因、可能创新的切入点、相关研究建议等。 关键词:太阳能光伏产业;商业模式;创新 ABSTRACT At present, domestic and foreign photovoltaic industry is facing an unprecedented crisis. As the low cost of photovoltaic products in China has caused some impact on foreign photovoltaic, and the domestic photovoltaic industry by Europe and the United States India double reverse the impact can,t be exported, resulting in excess capacity, crisis. Coupled with the homogenization of China,s PV business model has seriously hindered the development of China,s photovoltaic industry. China,s photovoltaic enterprises should be combined with their own situation to develop business model innovation approach has become a top priority. In this paper, through the development of China,s solar photovoltaic industry to do the relevant environment, the current domestic and foreign photovoltaic industry development process, summed up the current solar photovoltaic industry in China depth. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the current PV business model in China, and finds out the problems in the development process of the PV industry, the causes of the problems, the possible entry points of innovation, the relevant research suggestions and so on. Key words: Solar photovoltaic industry; Commercial model; Innovate TOC \o 1-5 \h \z —引言 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究目的 1 (三)研究意义 1 \o Current Document 二相关理论概述 3 (一)太阳能光伏产业 3 (二)商业模式 3 \o Current Document 三国内外相关研究进程 4 (一)国外相关研究 4 (二)国内相关研究 4 四中国太阳能光伏产业发展现状 6 \o Current Document (一)中国太阳能光伏产业发展的优势 6 \o Current Document .发电装机容量 6 \o Current Document .太阳能光伏累计装机量 7 \o Current Document .我国太阳能资源分布 8 (二)中国太阳能光伏产业发展的问题 8 \o Current Document .产能过剩 8 \o Current Document .产业链发展模式风险突出 9


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