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德阳市某工程CFG桩复合地基设计 摘要 随着我国近年来经济和基础设施建设的发展,CFG桩复合地基技术在软土地基处理方 面得到了越来越广泛的应用,并出现了很多理论和计算方法。但是由于影响CFG桩复合地 基承载性状的不确定因素多、问题复杂且难度大,人们对它的认识还不够深入,使理论计 算与工程实际存有较大差异,并且造成了在实际工程应用中的安全隐患或浪费。因此,有 必要对CFG桩复合地基承载性状进行进一步研究,使理论研究与实际相吻合并指导实践, 从而达到安全适用、经济合理的目的。 本文以德阳市某工程为实例,介绍CFG桩加固软土的机理和复合地基的受力性状,概 括CFG桩复合地基设计和计算的基本理论,利用这一原理,分析了桩体模量、桩长、置换 率等对CFG桩复合地基承载性状的影响;说明了 CFG桩在该地区进行地基处理的适用性和 推广普及的可行性。 关键词:CFG桩;复合地基;地基处理 ABSTRACT With Chinas recent economic and infrastructure development, CFG pile composite foundation in soft soil treatment has been more widely used, and there have been many theoretical and computational methods. However, due to impact of CFG pile composite foundation bearing capacity of the elements of uncertainty, the problem is complex and difficult, it is not enough in-depth understanding of it, so that theoretical and practical engineering there a big difference and resulted in the practical application security risks or waste, it is essential to CFG pile composite foundation bearing capacity for further research to theoretical research and practical guide practice kissing the merger, so as to achieve security for, the purpose of economic rationality. In this paper, an engineering project in Deyang as an example to introduce the soft soil CFG pile composite foundation of the mechanism and mechanical properties, general CFG pile composite foundation design and calculation of the basic theory, using the principle of pile model the amount of pile length, displacement rate on the CFG pile composite foundation traits; shows CFG pile foundation treatment in the region to promote universal applicability and feasibility. Key words: CFG pile; composite foundation; ground treatment TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 1绪论 1 \o Current Document 1. 1问题的提出 1 \o Current Document 1.2常用的地基处理技术 1 \o Current Document 1. 3 CFG桩复合地基处理技术现状 1 \o Current Document 4CFG桩复合地基的一些工程特性 2 \o Current Document 研究目的及意义 2 \o Current Document 本设计的主要工作与设计思路 3 \o Current Document 1设计内容 3 L 6. 2设计思


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