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作者及工作单位 东黄坨镇初级中学 乂索万 ☆教材分析 本单元主要内容是学会利用虚拟语气来讨论假设的情景,以及如何面对这些状 况,采取相应的应变措施,通过对事件的处理态度,培养从容自信的性格。 此课为本单元的第一节课,主要谈论假想的情况,它围绕着以下 两个话题展开: ① What would you do if you had a million dollars? ② If I were you, I would ☆学情分析 枯燥的话题很难提期学生的学习兴趣。在这节课,通过一个有趣的话题一一假如你有 百万美元,你会怎么做来激起学生的兴趣,让学生主动谈自己的看法,学有所得。 ☆教案目标 ⑴知识目标: ① What would you do if you had a million dollars? I d give the money to charity. ② If I were you, I d wear a shirt and tie. ⑵能力目标:发展学生的听及识记能力,培养学生综合语言运用 能力。 ⑶情感、态度和价值观:通过本节课,激发学生对社会的关注, 增强奉献意识,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,大胆 表述,提高语言实际运用能力。 ☆教案重点和难点 ⑴重点句子: What would you do if you had a millio n dollars? I d give it to medical research. If I were you, I d take a small present. ☆教案过程 教案环 节 教师活动 预设学生行为 设计意图 Step I. 诵过师生、生生 Greet th e whole Ask questi ons 1.Students 互动对本课的展 class T: Do you have ten Yuan an swer 示,把教材内容 as usual n your pocket? Eg. No, I don 活化为生活实 T:(Take out ten Yuan and t. Step II. give it to the stude nt) 际,把学习活化 Warmi ng OK, n ever mi nd. What would S1: I would b 为交际。从10 -up you do if it was yours? Wh at would you do if you had uy sn acks. 兀到100兀再到 ten Yua n? S2: I d buy 100万元,让学生 T:(To the whole class) Just a beautiful ja 的思维有准备的 now, it was only ten Yuan cket. 过程,并且使学生 What about 100 Yuan? What would you do if you had 积极地思考,主动 100 Yuan? S3: I d buy a 学习。 T: (To the whole class) big house. Now suppose you had a mil S4: I d buy a ion dollars, what would you sports car. do? We know that one doll S5: I d put ar n early equals eight Yua n, it in the ban sothat s a large sum of mo ney.Thi nk it over carefully k. 在轻松愉快的环 and tell me you ideas. What 2.talkabout 境中使学生了解 would you do if you had a millio n dollars? what would they do if the had a millio n 本课所学知识。 dollars? 学生考虑的多是 个人,而没有为 (1)I d give the 社会做奉献的意 Teacher puts two pictures on money to the 识,教师应积极 to the blackboard and asks zoo. stude nts to guess. I want to 引导。这个内容 help pan das. 也为下一步做听 (2)1 d give the 力练习奠定了语 money to the 言基础,适当减 medical research. 轻了听力难度。 I want to help the sick Step III people


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