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胸椎间盘突出症手术治疗的并发症分析 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:胸椎间盘突出症手术治疗的并发症分析 1 1 资料与方法 2 2 结果 4 3 讨论 5 文2:眼眶爆裂性骨折手术并发症分析 8 1 资料与方法 8 2 结果 9 3 讨论 9 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 12 文章致谢(模板) 12 正文 胸椎间盘突出症手术治疗的并发症分析 文1:胸椎间盘突出症手术治疗的并发症分析 Analysis of the Complicatio Second to the Treatment of Thoracic Disc Herniation Using Trapedicle Entrances Abstract:Objective To analysis the complicatio of the trapedical entrance to treat thoracic disc herniation,analysis the reason and the methods preventing Retrospective analysis the patients treated in our hospital from to ,who were treated with the trapedicle entrance in our are 52 patients,32 males,20 females,the age of this group is among ~ yea old,and yea for got about 4~54 months followingup,and 34 months for all the complicatio occurred in the followup SPSS to do the statistics 12 of all the 52 patients had found the complicatio patients for incision swelling;1 patient neurological dysfunction aggravated;1 patient was found spinal cord reactive edema;2 patients thrombosis in 1 patient,infection of the wound 2 patients interfixation system failed in 1 patient anterior spinal artery syndrome;1 patient Leakage of CSF was the patients were successfully Trapedicle entrance is a good method in the treatment of the thoracic disc only the operator is familiar with the standard operation method,while the preoperation preparation and the postoperation care was performed carefully,the operation will be safe and effective. Key words:thoracic;surgery;intervertibral disc;complicatio 胸椎间盘突出症手术治疗的危险性较大,我们采用经关节突入路手术治疗胸椎间盘突出症患者取得了一定的效果[1~2]。现回顾性分析我院在2000年11月至2005年11月间收治的胸椎间盘突出症患者52 例,采用经小关节突胸椎管后外侧入路的手术方法。术后随访4~54个月,平均34个月,观察其并发症的发生情况并 总结 如下。 1 资料与方法 一般资料 本组中男32 例,女20 例,男女之比为1∶。患者年龄为~ 岁,平均 岁。病程6~14个月,平均个月。术前查体发现,椎间盘突出的节段以T9~10和T10~11为主,约占43%。其中术后随访时间为4~54个月,平均34个月。所有患者中有外伤史者5 例,在外院曾行后路椎板减压者3 例,由于效果不理想在我院改行后外侧入路胸间盘突出髓核摘除术。有3 例患者有2个节段椎间盘突出,有1 例患者有3个节段突出。 影像学检查 椎间盘突出的部位可见于各个节段,以T9~10和T10~11为多见,本组共计22 例,


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