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第 第 PAGE 11 页 共 12 页 第 第 PAGE 10 页 共 12 页 Give the following trade abbreviations full names, and then translate into Chinese. (10 points) 缩写扩写并翻译, 10 个 10 分 Filling in the Blanks with suitable words given below: (10 points) 填空,10 个 10 分(未给范围自己填) Translate the following Chinese into English: (40 points)汉译英 Translate the following English into Chinese: (20 points)英译汉 Writing: (20 points) 写作 ———————————————————————————— 1.Give the following trade abbreviations full names, and then translate into Chinese. CIF B/L MT T/T D/P D/A I/E Co. Ltd CFR S.S. L/C FOB. S/C W.P.A. F.P.A. CIF:Cost Insurance Freight 成本加保险费、运费 B/L :提货单( bill of lading ) MT : metric ton 公吨 T/T : Telegraphic Transfer 电汇 Co.Ltd. : Company Limited 有限公司C.F.R :Cost And Freight 成本加运费价S.S.: steam shipL/C:船运Letter of Credit 信用证D/P : Co.Ltd. : Company Limited 有限公司 C.F.R :Cost And Freight 成本加运费价 S.S.: steam ship L/C: 船运 Letter of Credit 信用证 F.O.B : Free On Board “船上交货” 离岸价 S/C : sales contract 销售合同 W.P.A. :with particular average 水渍险 F.P.A. : free from particular average 平安险 D/D : Bankers Demand Draft 票汇汇款 Art. No. : article number 货号 Translate the following Chinese into English: 请随时向我方报告下列货物的最新价格。 Please keep us informed of the latest quotation for the following items. 我方打算按照当前的国际市场价格给你报个价。 Weare prepared to give you a quotation which is based upon the prevailing international market price. 很遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太大。 I ’m sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide. 能不能互相让步?我想我们双方都坚持自己的价格是不明智的。 How about meeting each other half way? I don ’t think it wise for either of us to insist on his own price. 我们不能做这笔交易,因为卖方提价百分之五,并降低数量百分之二十五。 We cannot do the business, because the sellers have increased their price by 5%and reduced the quantity by 25%. 这些厂经验丰富,历史悠久,是我们产品出口的主要生产厂家,所有产品在世界市场上享有较高声誉。 They are our main export bases of tools with the advan tage of having good production experience and long historic al record. All their products enjoy high prestige 信誉 in t he world mark


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