大学英语期末复习Wei Exercises for the Final Exam .pdfVIP

大学英语期末复习Wei Exercises for the Final Exam .pdf

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I. Understand and translate the following 1. The Master said, In the Book of Poetry are three hundred pieces, but the design of them all may be embraced in one sentence - Having no depraved thoughts or ‘Have no evil thoughts’.。子曰:“《诗》三百,一言以蔽之曰‘思无邪”。《论语.为政》 2. The Master said, ‘Personal cultivation [of a gentleman] is inspired by poetry, made firm by rites and completed by music.’. 子曰:“兴于诗,立于礼,成于乐。” 。《论语·泰伯》 3. Confucius said to his disciples, ‘Why don’t you study The Classic of Poetry? Poetry can serve to inspire , to reflect, to communicate and to admonish. On one hand, the teachings presented in The Book of Songs can help serve one’s parents well; on the other hand, the knowledge and methods provided in it can help serve one’s lord well. Moreover, one can learn a lot of names of birds, beasts, plants and trees.’ 子曰: 「小子!何莫學夫詩?詩:可 以興,可以觀,可以群,可以怨邇之事父,;遠之事君多識於鳥;、獸、草、木之名。」 《论语·阳货》 4. The Master said, The Kwan Tsu is expressive of enjoyment without being licentious, and of grief without being hurtfully excessive. (trans. Arthur Waley) 子曰:“ 《关雎》,乐而不淫,哀而不伤。” 《论语·八佾》 5. “Remove other doctrines and establish Confucianism only 罢黜百家,独尊儒术 6. The “Contention of One Hundred Schools of Thought.” 7. Confucius said: The wise enjoy the waters, the benevolent enjoy the mountains. The wise are active, the benevolent are placid; the wise are happy, the benevolent live long” 8. “In carrying our rites, it is harmony that is prized”.礼之用和为贵 9. Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practises it will have neighbors.德不孤必有邻 10. Confucius said,“There should be education for everyone without distinction/ discrimination.” 子曰:“有教无类”。 11. Do to others as you would be done by”. Or “Do not do to others what you would not like t be done by . 12. “Isnt it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isnt it also great when friends visit from distant place


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