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PAGE 31 摘要 为了让铁路部门关于铁轨检测设备更加智能化,本文设计了一套可用于自动检测轨道是否被占用且可自动切换轨道的方案。本套设计方案采用51单片机作为系统的主控芯片,搭配步进电机、红外对管传感器以及其它外围I/O设备,通过仿真对方案进行了验证,在仿真通过的情况下对硬件实物进行了制作。最终,实现了基于单片机的电动转辙机联锁条件检测装置的设计。 在仿真实验中通过对不同条件下系统状态的设置来对系统的逻辑进行测试,判断系统设计逻辑是否符合设计要求,经过仿真测试系统逻辑符合设计要求,在对设计出的硬件进行功能测试时,分别对车道是否占用和换轨进行了测试,从测试结果来看本文设计的系统无论在仿真还是实物的制作均达到了设计要求。 关键词:铁轨;转辙机;车道检测;车道变更 Abstract In order to make the railway department more intelligent about the rail detection equipment, this paper designs a set of programs that can be used to automatically detect whether the track is occupied and can automatically switch the track. This design scheme uses 51 single-chip microcomputer as the main control chip of the system, with stepper motors, infrared pair tube sensors and other peripheral I/O devices. The scheme is verified through simulation, and the hardware is tested if the simulation passes. Make. Finally, the design of the interlocking condition detection device for the electric switch machine based on the single-chip microcomputer is realized. In the simulation experiment, the system logic is tested by setting the system status under different conditions to determine whether the system design logic meets the design requirements. After the simulation test, the system logic meets the design requirements. When performing functional tests on the designed hardware, We tested whether the lanes were occupied and changed tracks respectively. From the test results, it can be seen that the system designed in this paper meets the design requirements in both simulation and physical production. Keywords: railroad track; switch machine; lane detection; lane change 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 论文研究的背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 本文主要研究内容及论文结构安排 2 2 系统方案论证 3 2.1 系统设计方案 3 2.2 主控模块选型 3 2.3 显示模块选型 4 2.4 红外检测传感器 5 2.5 电机驱动模块 5 3 硬件电路的设计 7 3.1 单片机 7 3.1.1 单片机最小系统 7 3.1.2 系统时钟电路 8 3.1.3 系统复位电路 8 3.2 显示模块电路 9 3.3 红外对管模块电路 10 3.4 电机驱动模块电路 10 3.6 按键模块电


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