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PAGE 9 摘要 随着社会发展和电力电子行业的进步,产品对于功率和电流的要求均在逐渐提高。为了实现大功率的输出,一般情况下采用将多个电源进行并联的方式,这种方式中如何对各个模块进行合理的控制成为问题,随着数字均流技术的发展,该项问题正在逐渐得到解决。 本文为了设计出一款效率较高的并联供电开关电源系统,利用BUCK电路作为系统的主电路,控制模块的输入量通过PWM对脉宽进行调节并将负载电压与第一、第二、第三段的电流进行并联和双闭环控制,通过在Simulink环境下进行仿真,本系统能够任意分配想要输出的电流和比例,并且系统可以实现负载保护和自动恢复功能,经过仿真测试本文所设计的系统完全符合设计要求并且效率得到了较大的提升。 关键词:并联供电;开关电源;BUCK电路;PWM;Simulink Abstract With the development of society and the progress of power electronics industry, the requirements for power and current of products are gradually increasing. In order to achieve the output of high power, in general, multiple power supplies are used in parallel. In this way, how to reasonably control each module has become a problem. With the development of digital current sharing technology, this problem is gradually being solved. In this paper, in order to design a high efficiency parallel power supply switching power supply system, BUCK circuit is used as the main circuit of the system. The input of the control module adjusts the pulse width through PWM, and the load voltage is parallel with the current of the first, second and third stages and the double closed-loop control is carried out. Through simulation in Simulink environment, The system can distribute the desired output current and proportion arbitrarily, and the system can achieve load protection and automatic recovery functions, after simulation testing, the system designed in this paper fully meets the design requirements and the efficiency has been greatly improved. Key words: parallel power supply; Switching power supply; BUCK circuit; PWM. Simulink 绪论 1.1 选题背景及意义 人们生活水平日益提高正是得益于科学技术水平的发展和推动。各行各业都进入了快速发展时期,日常生活中接触到的电器设备也越来越多,为人们提供了多种选择方式。普通家用电器大至冰箱空调,小至手机电子手表,尤其是移动式电气设备。均需要电池提供电能才能正常工作,嵌入式和电子行业的发展使得移动电子设备的增多,这也使得对电源的要求和需求变高[1]。 随着时代的发展,人们在便捷的享受生活的同时,也带来了其他的问题,越来越多的电子设备对于电源的要求越来越苛刻并且在电源需求功率以及电源输出电流方面要求越来越大[2-4]。这也意味着高功率的开关电源模块具有非常宽广的发展前景。因此,针对多样化、大功率、性能强的开关电源模块是未来研究的必然趋势。而针对电源模块的材质等因素也对模块性能造成影响。通常情况下独立电源输出最高可达几千瓦,而供电系统在实际使用过程中对于输出功率的要求至少为几百千瓦[5]。 伴随


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