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摘 要 随着科学技术和人们生活水平的提高,虽然私家车数量越来越多并且私家车出行给人们带来方便和快捷的同时也存在着很多安全隐患。近年来,为了响应绿色出行的号召,越来越多的人选择公共交通出行,地铁作为最为常用的一种公共交通,每天的运载量非常之大。但是对于地铁班次以及相应线路的规划问题是地铁运营企业需要着重考虑的问题,而对这些进行规划的前提是对地铁客流量进行相关预测。根据预测值来对班次和新路线进行规划,因此如何准确且快速的对地铁高峰进行预测是非常有意义的。本文通过MATLAB编写排队算法来对地铁高峰进行预测,因此本文主要做了一下几点工作: 首先,对国内外研究现状进行了分析和常用算法的基本概念的了解,从而确定本文设计方案。 其次,对地铁发展进行概述,并针对设计方案结合我国实际情况进行相关的MATLAB代码编写和调试。 最后,运行仿真程序,并对仿真出来的结果进行分析,然后对整个设计和整篇文章进行总结和展望。 关键词:地铁;高峰预测;MATLAB;仿真分析 Abstract With the improvement of science and technology and peoples living standard, although the number of private cars is increasing and private cars bring convenience and fast to people, there are also a lot of safety risks. In recent years, in order to respond to the call of green travel, more and more people choose public transportation. As the most commonly used public transportation, subway carries a large amount of transportation every day. However, the planning of the subway frequency and the corresponding lines is a problem that the subway operation enterprises need to pay more attention to, and the premise of these planning is to forecast the passenger flow of the subway. According to the predicted value, the number of flights and new routes are planned, so how to accurately and quickly predict the subway peak is of great significance. In this paper, queuing algorithm is compiled by MATLAB to predict the subway peak, so this paper mainly does the following work: First of all, the research status at home and abroad are analyzed and the basic concepts of common algorithms are understood, so as to determine the design of this paper. Secondly, the development of the subway is summarized, and according to the design scheme combined with the actual situation of our country to write and debug the relevant Matlab code. Finally, run the simulation program, and analyze the results of the simulation, and then summarize and look forward to the whole design and the whole article. Key words: subway; Peak prediction; MATLAB; The simulation analy


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