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《固体理论》课程教学大纲 一、中文课程简介 课程名:固体理论; 课程编号:0702060005; 学分:3学分; 总学时:48学时; 课程内容概要: 《固体理论》系统地介绍了固体量子论的基本概念、方法和模型。本课程共分五章,内容侧重于固体中的元激发,包括:声子、等离激元、极化激元、准电子、极化子和激子等。对于自由电子气理论、能带论方法、晶格动力学和局域密度泛函理论分别作了专门介绍。此外,还重点介绍了处理多体系统的凝胶模型、绝热近似、哈特利-福克方法,以及处理半导体中电子跃迁的有效质量方法和弛豫时间近似等。该课程重点强调基本概念、基本方法和理解固体性质的物理图像,考虑费米面和电子波函数,发展关于布里渊区的群论描述方法,结合正则变换和动力学理论,利用二次量子化方法给出关于固体元激发的基础理论。 《固体理论》课程的系统性强、理论基础深厚,需要具备固体物理学和高等量子力学的基础知识。 二、英文课程简介 课程名:Solid State Theory 课程编号:0702060005; 学分:3学分 总学时:48学时 课程内容概要: The solid state theory introduces the basic concepts, fundamental methods and modeling of solid state theory. This course consist of five chapters. The main content focus on the treatments of elemental excitation including the phonon, electron, plasma, polariton, quasi-electron, polaron, exciton and so on. The theory of free electron gas, the methods of energy band theory, the dynamics of crystal lattice, and the theory on local density function are introduced, respectively. Moreover, this course pay more attentions on the Jellium model, the adiabatic approximation or Born-Oppenheimer method, the Hatree-Fock approximation, the effective mass method and the relaxation time approximation which treat the electronic transition in semiconductors. The main aspects of this course are focusing on the basic concepts, the basic methods and the physical pictures behind the properties of solid state matters. Considers Fermi surfaces and electron wave functions and develops the group theoretical description of Brillouin zones. Applies the second quantization method to extract the elemental excitation in solids with an introduction to canonical transformation and the dynamical theory. From the general concept to understand the microscopic interactions in solids. Therefore, this course has a strong system and clear physical picture. Its theoretical foundation is deep and need the basic knowledge of solid state physics and advanced quantum mechanics. 三、教学目标 《固体理论》课程围绕现代光学设计、现代激光技术和现代光电检测与成像技术基础实验训练,结合基于虚拟仪


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