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北京师范大学南山附属学校英语阅读策略教学研讨课教案设计 - PAGE 1 - 课题 《悦读联播》初一(上)Module 9 The best present for Mum 执教者:吴素蓉 高位目标 用心做事,学会关爱。 持久理解 给予是快乐的。 基本问题 To whom and what are you going to give as a present?Why? 知识 技能 词汇: detective,angry,gardening,seed,perfect,suddenly,knit,scarf,wool,remind,grateful... 句型: 1) spend...doing sth. remind sb.of sth. 3) Why not…? 根据标题、首尾段、首尾句获取文章的中心意思。 根据单词的前后缀、上下文猜测单词的意思。 重点及措施 合理运用阅读策略,有效阅读,获取信息。 难点及措施 课文中的较多的生词、重点句型,对学生来说有一定的难度。 总目标 【知识与技能】 词汇、句型。 掌握阅读策略。 3、小组内部帮助合作,小组之间分享交流。 【过程与方法】 独立思考—小组讨论全班交流 【情感态度价值观】 用心和时间准备的礼物是最好的,给予是快乐的,学会关爱。 子目标 子目标分解 学情分析 问题链、资料,点拨 评估 教学组织形式 子目标1:读前热身,为阅读课文做铺垫。 Step1.Free talk Step2.Introduce some cultural knowledge about Christmas. 在阅读之前情境导入,以及补充一些背景知识,为阅读做准备。 Talk about Christmas, which is one of the most important festivals in the west. Watch the video and the pictures. Buying presents is one of the main activities for Christmas. Students talk about their experiences about giving or receiving presents. 通过图片,视频等了解圣诞节相关的知识。 讲授式,师生互动,生生互动。 子目标2 阅读提取信息,根据不同需求采取适当的阅读策略。 Step1. Predicting. Look at the title and pictures ,guess what the story is about. Step2. Skimming and scanning. To get the main idea of the story. Step3. Intensive reading. To get more details about the story. Handle the new words, phrases and sentences. 通过阅读这篇课文,掌握一些基本的阅读策略。 1. Predicting. Look at the title and pictures to guess: “What is the story about?” 2. Skimming and scanning. What was Sue going to buy for her family? family present Dad Mum Younger brother Intensive reading. A. Answer the questions. 1) Why was Sues dad easy to buy for? 2) Why did Sue knit a scarf for Mum? 3) Did Sues mum like the present? B. Learn the new words. Look at the pictures and guess the words. Match the words with the meanings in the context. Handle some phrases and sentences. 4. Sum up some reading strategies. Such as, predicting, skimmi


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