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先兆流产的相关危险因素分析与护理对策 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:先兆流产的相关危险因素分析与护理对策 1 2 结果 4 3 讨论 5 文2:早孕先兆流产的中西医结合治疗疗效观察 8 1临床资料 8 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 12 文章致谢(模板) 12 正文 先兆流产的相关危险因素分析与护理对策 文1:先兆流产的相关危险因素分析与护理对策 【Abstract】 Objective:To summarize the related risk facto of threatened abortion patients, to observe the key success facto related to drug tocolytic therapy and nuing care of :The epidemiology and the clinical features of 130 patients with threatened abortion from January 2010 to December 2013 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed ,after treatment and nuing measures of tocolysis for patients, they were made statistical analysis of risk facto with the aid of statistical software SPSS : The average age of the successful group was (±) yea old, it was significantly lower than (±) yea old of in the control group, there was significant difference(P); the successful group and the failed group,s patients were compared with the infection of the reproductive system, history of abortion, birth history, had the history of cesarean section, abdominal operation history, the application of IUD ,the history of ectopic pregnancy, emergency contraception history, history of assisted reproductive technology, the successful group were significantly lower than the failure group, there were statistically significant differences(P).Conclusion: The incidence of threatened abortion is the result of many facto, and the infection of reproductive system, history of abortion, fallopian tube operation, the application of IUD, cesarean section and emergency contraception and other facto, combined with the above risk facto for patients, tocolytic therapy should be closely observed, to avoid long-term medicine theraphy blindly causing missed abortion。 【Key words】 Threatened abortion; Risk facto; Drug therapy; Prognosis Fit-author’s address: Taian City Maternity and Child Care Hospital,Taian 271000,China doi: 先兆流产是妇产科经常遇到的问题,经保胎处理,一般可以妊娠可继续。先兆流产临床上以保胎为处理原则,约60%先兆流产


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