新牛津译林英语三上U6 Story time教案.doc

新牛津译林英语三上U6 Story time教案.doc

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英语 〔三年级上册〕 Unit 6 Colours Story time Teaching contents 教学内容 Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 学生能整体感知、理解并朗读故事,尝试故事表演 2. 学生能在对话学习中正确地听、说、读以下单词: colour, orange, green, red, yellow, now 3. 学生能在情景中理解并运用What colour is it It’s…进行交流 4. 学生能体会颜色的多样性以及魔术的神奇 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 1. 学生能够正确地朗读以下单词:colour, orange, yellow, now 2. 学生能够在真实情景中正确运用What colour is it It’s…进行交流 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Enjoy a song—Colour song 1. T: Who is wearing yellow today Stand up! (教学 “yellow〞) 2. T: I’m wearing yellow today, too. Look at my yellow coat! S1: How nice! S2: How beautiful! 3. T: Yellow is a colour. (揭题) Step 2 Brainstorming T: What other colours do you know (教学 “orange, green, red) S: Orange./ White./ Red./ Green./Brown. (随即利用彩色粉笔板书,在学生跟读的时候,教师可适当用What colour is it (now) 来引领孩子们说It’s… 即可到达交流的目的,也可以提前感知主要功能句型,为文本解读扫清了一些阅读障碍) Step 3 Story time 1. Listen and choose T: It is Saturday morning. Yang Ling is on the stage. She is doing a magic show. Liu Tao, Mike, Su Hai are watching her. Please listen to the tape and find out what the show is about. (播放录音) S: Colours. T: Right. 2. Watch and answer T: How many skirts does Yang Ling show Let’s watch the cartoon and find out. (播放动画) T: How many skirts does Yang Ling show S: Three. T: You’re right. Well done. 3. Read and match T: What colour are Yang Ling’s skirts What colour are they Please read and find. 4. Read and find T: How do I ask questions about colours Can you read the story again and find the sentences (画出文中对颜色提问的问句) T: Yes, you are right, the sentence is “What colour is it 〞 〔指着杨玲的裙子问 What colour is it 〕 S1: It’s orange. T: (出示图2) What colour is it now S1: It’s green. T: So what does “now〞 mean S: 现在 5. Make dialogues T: (PPT呈现图1) Look at this picture. Let’s make a dialogue (接下来呈现图2和图3,请学生编对话) Step 4 Practice 1. Let’s act (边看动画边跟着杨玲表演,加上动作) 2.Show time (同学们,我们来表演自己的魔术吧) Homework 家庭作业 1. 听磁带,读故事5遍。 2. 搜集更多关于颜色的单词。 Teaching aids 教学准备〔含板书设计〕


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