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加味地黄汤治疗原发性肾病综合征临床疗效及对细胞因子的影响 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:加味地黄汤治疗原发性肾病综合征临床疗效及对细胞因子的影响 1 1 资料与方法 3 2 结果 4 3 讨论 5 文2:卡维地洛治疗慢性心力衰竭临床疗效及对脑钠肽细胞因子的影响 5 1 资料与方法 6 2 结果 7 3 讨论 7 参考文摘引言: 8 原创性声明(模板) 9 文章致谢(模板) 10 正文 加味地黄汤治疗原发性肾病综合征临床疗效及对细胞因子的影响 文1:加味地黄汤治疗原发性肾病综合征临床疗效及对细胞因子的影响 Abstract:Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of modified Dihuang decoction combined with conventional western medicine for the treatment of primary nephritic syndrome. Methods One hundred and eight cases of primary nephrotic syndrome were randomly pided into treatment group (54 cases) and control group (54 cases). Treatment group was given modified Dihuang decoction combined with conventional western medicine, the control group was treated with conventional western medicine only. IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α content in blood of the two groups were observed before treatment and one month after treatment. Results The therapeutic effect of the treatment group was better than the control group (P<). IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α content in blood of both groups decreased after treatment. There was significant statistical difference between the treatment group and the control group. Conclusion Combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine is better than western medicine in lowering the content of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α in blood. The study provides a basis at the molecular level for the combination treatment on primary nephritic syndrome。 Key words:primary nephrotic syndrome;combination therapy of traditional Chinese and western medicine;modified Dihuang decoction 肾病综合征()是由于肾小球滤过膜对血浆蛋白通透性增高,大量血浆蛋白自尿中丢失,并引起一系列病理生理改变的临床综合征,是以大量蛋白尿、低蛋白血症、高脂血症及不同程度水肿为特征的临床症候群。原发性肾病综合征(P)是原发于肾脏本身并排除了继发于肾脏之外的原发病。本病是泌尿系常见病,且部分患者多次复发、病程迁延。本病发病机制尚未完全明了,目前认为主要与细胞因子网络的平衡受到破坏,各种炎症细胞活化有关,国内外研究普遍认为,免疫介导和炎症损伤在其发病中起主要作用。大量研究表明,患者治疗前血白细胞介素(IL)-6、IL-8和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)含量明显高于正常对照组,且患者尿蛋白消失2周时查血IL-6、IL-8和TNF-α含量虽较治疗前显著降低,但仍高于对照组,说明IL-6、IL-8和TNF-α对肾脏疾病的最终发展起重要作用[1-5]。因而,监测细胞因子含量的变化对疗效、转归的判断具有重要作用。 2006-


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