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So how do you personally fit into this Business Plan Deployment Process? For example: General Motors has a goal keeping its employees safe. To support this goal, NACG has developed a metric of Lost Work Days. The plant will develop plans to reduce injuries and track incidents per 200,000 hours worked. The area manager and shift leaders might track number of incidents per week. The group leader might track number of medical visits The team could track compliance with wearing of PPE. All of these are in support and aligned with the overall goal of keeping our employees safe. SMART - The Business Plant and the elements making up the plan must be Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic and Timed. This is real important when developing a process that is supportive to the overall Plant Objectives. Now I want to introduce the foundation for Business Plan Deployment. Say: This is what we call the PDCA cycle. It is introduced here, due to its importance to BPD, but it is an important concept for many things we do! The PDCA cycle is essential for BPD. BPD depends on it. PLAN: First we make a good plan based on a good grasp of the situation - no making plans in a vacuum! DO: Implement the plan, on time, as planned CHECK: Check the plan (not the results), to see if we have kept to the planned activities and achieved our target due to these methods ACTION: Take action to get back on plan if off. Take action to introduce new activities if objectives weren’t met. Take action to standardize activities which did achieve objectives. Ask: Where are we weak as humans and in business? Wait for answers from audience. Answer: We often forget to check back to our original plan. We act before checking, to really understand where we have deviated! How do Business Plan Deployment and PDCA work together? Together they establish a process that links all of our activities together to achieve company goals for employees, customers and shareholders. It starts with your busine


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