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2022复试听力口语课 --- 演讲趴;短文朗读 自我介绍 考官问答 抽题演讲 看图问答 小组话题讨论 口头翻译;a) 发音 ???--- 40% 语调 流畅度 接地气词汇 造句能力 --- 定语从句 ??? 讲故事能力 --- 40% 演讲能力---对比性思维 ???;直播技巧: 基础发音技巧 – 1.发音;2. 语调;3. 连读 短文朗读(范文实训) 打卡训练:佳伦晨读(好的朗读习惯);直播技巧: —— 1. 自我介绍核心技巧;2. 范文解析;3. 往返现场批改; 基础问答 —— 1. 十大问题解题思路;2. 真题讲解; 打卡训练: 佳伦???读(高分自我介绍朗读) 每日一问(刷真题);直播技巧: a) 复试听力题型技巧课 — 各类听力类型讲解 + 真题演练 打卡训练: a) 佳伦晨读(外刊原文跟读 + 听力精听);直播技巧: 即兴演讲 小组话题讨论 口头翻译 打卡训练: 佳伦晨读(各类外刊内容晨读) 每日一问(经典即兴演讲题);复试中高概率的 Q(观点感): 问题内容千奇百怪 但 问的方式却就那么几个;复试问答 --- 经典问题: Do you like ...? Do you often ...? What is your favorite/How many...? What do you think of .../ Why ...? What are the benefits of ...? Which do you prefer ...? Is it important ...? How has ... changed over the years?;复试问答 --- 经典问题: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ..? What are the differences between...? What is your advice for ...? Will you ...? What do you think of ...? What are the best ...?;什么是即兴演讲??? --- the impromptu speech --- done without preparation or planning 1. 有内容积累 2. 有正确的思路引导;Please Describe a place that you like the most … You can have one minute to prepare … Can you make it ???;Please Describe a place that you like the;Please Describe a place that you like the most … You need to --- Ask some Qs --- 思路引导 Where the place is How often do you go to this place What do people do in such a place Why Which … Who …;What about 1--- Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your country. You can have one minute to prepare …;What about --- Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your country. Who the person is How you knew this person What comedies has this person performed And explain why this person is popular;What about 2--- Describe the time when you received your first cellphone. You can have one minute to prepare …;What about 2 Describe the time when you received your first cellphone. When it was Where you were Who gave you the cellphone What it was like How you felt about it;What about 3 --- Describe a language you want to learn ( not English) You can have one minute to pr



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