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Lb校准 第三步:采集零位(Control-zero); 第四步:安装并逐步平缓加电点亮标准亮度源,点亮后预热稳定5分钟; 第五步:视网膜亮度计调焦成像标准亮度源; 第五步:SPR-5000B校准(Control-Cal-Eb/Lb(350-800)); 第六步:熄灭标准亮度源,灭灯后冷却标准灯; 标准光源亮度口在MPR-16上所成的像 瞄准区 第六十三页,共一百页。 Lb Calibration b) Dark current measurement(Control-zero); c) Install and power on the standard lamp slowly, preheating for 5 minutes d) Imaging Adjust the lens of the MPR-16 to image the radiance reference at about 170mm. run the software ProLMD of MPR-16, and do the exposure, meanwhile adjust slightly the distance between MPR-16 and the radiance reference to make the image clear, and make “aimed area” located in the middle area of the image of the radiance reference, see the following figure; e) Visible radiance calibration (Control-Cal-Eb/Lb(350-800)) ; f) Lower the current of the standard lamp slowly to turn off it, and cool it; The image of the radiance reference Aimed area 第六十四页,共一百页。 Lb测量 第一步:安装并点亮被测样品,等待被测样品发光稳定; 第二步:将被测样品清晰成像到视网膜亮度计上; 第三步:测量,(Control-Measure-Eb/Lb (350-800)); 第四步:保存测试数据(扩展名为.speL) 第六十五页,共一百页。 Lb Measurement a) Unload the standard lamp when it is cool, install the tested lamp; b) Power on the tested lamp and wait until it is steady; c) Measure the subtense angle of apparent source; d) Measure the spectral radiance from 350nm to 800nm (Control-Measure-Eb/Lb(350-800)); e) Save the data (*.speL ); 第六十六页,共一百页。 Lr/Lir校准 第一步:连接仪器;包括仪器电源、通讯线、光纤。 第二步:拷贝标准灯数据(LrLir 校准标准数据); 光谱辐射分析仪 SPR-5000B 标准光源 导轨 光纤 照度口 亮度口 MPR-16 第六十七页,共一百页。 Lr/Lir Calibration a) Copy the data of the standard lamp (Lr/Lir Calibration ); Spectroradiometer Standard Lamp Rail Fiber Radiance reference MPR-16 第六十八页,共一百页。 Lr/Lir校准 第三步:采集零位(Control-zero); 第四步:安装并逐步平缓加电点亮标准亮度源,点亮后预热稳定5分钟; 第五步:视网膜亮度计调焦成像标准亮度源; 第六步:可见红外辐亮度校准(Control-Cal- Lr/Lir(380-1400)); 第七步:熄灭标准亮度源,灭灯后冷却标准灯; 第六十九页,共一百页。 Lr/Lir Calibration b) Dark current measurement (Control-zero); c) Install and power on the standard lamp slowly, preheating for 5 minutes; d) Do VIS-NIR radiance calibration (Control-Cal-Lr/


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