
广西大学《数字信号处理》课件-Chapter8 Digital Filter Structures.ppt

广西大学《数字信号处理》课件-Chapter8 Digital Filter Structures.ppt

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DSP group Chap8 * Direct form II (flow graph) x[n] z–1 y[n] ?d1 z–1 z–1 ?d2 ?d3 p1 p2 p3 p0 Sect.8.4.1 Direct Form DSP group Chap8 * Chap 8 Digital Filter Structures Block diagrams and signal flow graph Basic IIR digital filter structures Basic FIR digital filter structures Direct forms; Cascade forms; Linear-phase FIR structures Direct forms; Cascade forms; Parallel structures 广西大学《数字信号处理》 DSP group Chap8 * LTI DT filter: FIR LTI DT filter: IIR LTI DT filter: DSP group Chap8 * software or hardware Implementation: Effects of Implementation: In both cases, the signal variables and the filter coefficients cannot be represented with infinite precision. ? performance may not be provide satisfied due to the finite precision arithmetic. ? to develop alternate realizations and choose the structure that provides satisfactory performance under finite precision arithmetic is of great interest. DSP group Chap8 * Key steps in structure representation of digital filter: ? Using interconnected basic building blocks. Example : y[n]= ?d1y[n ? 1]+p0x[n]+p1x[n ? 1] y[0]= ?d1y[? 1]+p0x[0]+p1x[? 1] y[1]= ?d1y[0]+p0x[1]+p1x[0] y[2]= ?d1y[1]+p0x[2]+p1x[1] Sect. 8.1 Block Diagram Representation DSP group Chap8 * Sect. 8.1 Block Diagram Representation Explanation we can continue this calculation for any value of the time index n we desire. Knowing the knowledge of the previously calculated value of the output sample (y[n?1]), the present value of the input sample (x[n]), and the previous value of the input sample (x[n?1]), multiply each of then with coefficients ?d0, p0, and p1, and then sum the products to compute the present value of the output. DSP group Chap8 * Sect. 8.1.1 Basic Building Blocks Block diagram representation delayer delayer multiplier multiplier multiplier adder y[n]= ?d1y[n ? 1]+p0x[n]+p1x[n ? 1] DSP group Chap8 * Sect. 8.1.1 Basic Building Blocks Advantages of digital filter structure representation : Easy to write down the comput


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